Category: Human Sciences

Is depression different between women and men? Does it influence on its treatment?

Researchers of the University Catholic of Pelotas published recently study where new findings are presented after brief cognitive intervention for improvement of depressive symptoms in young adults with depression. This research was part of a bigger project developed by Health and Behavior Post Graduation Program between 2008 and 2012. The results showing difference in depressive symptoms and possible difference between men and women post cognitive psychotherapy. This results possibly indicate the influence of biological and, mainly, cultural aspects in the expression of depressive symptoms and in their treatment. The present research opens precedent to professional reflection about the methods of treatment to be adopted according to patient’s sex. Read More →

Can we help babies not to feel pain during hospitalization at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit?

According to the World Health Organization, pain is a relevant worldwide problem in the healthcare field. Specifically, in the Neonatology both pharmacological and non-pharmacological management and relief of pain should be included in the clinical practice of health care and development of infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Read More →

How do mothers cope with the hospitalization of their babies at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit?

Hearing that your child was born preterm and will be hospitalized affects the mothers very strongly. We sought to discover how they cope with this highly stressful context in real time, during and after the hospitalization. The impact of the News, the social support and the religious beliefs and the changes in how they cope with the situation were analyze using the Motivational Coping Theory, supporting a brief intervention. Read More →

Manuscrito brings new contributions to contemporary philosophical discussions

Manuscrito (Vol. 40.2) contains five original articles and a book review on topics ranging from logic and philosophy of mathematics to philosophy of language and metaphysics, making a valuable contribution to current debates in philosophy. Some articles are more historical and exegetical, and some a more systematic, dealing with contemporary issues. Read More →

MANUSCRITO brings fourteen original contributions to the philosophy of time

This issue (Vol. 40, N. 1) brings together a number of original contributions by leading philosophers on several issues related to the metaphysics of time and semantics of temporal expressions. Read More →

Readings of Uncle Tom’s Cabin in Slaveholding Brazil

In nineteenth-century slaveholding Brazil, the edition in Portuguese of Uncle Tom’s Cabin attenuated its critical and transformative potentiality. The translator made interventions that allowed readers of the Lusophone world to conceive the end of slavery in a much more distant future. Read More →

Outsourcing and precariousness of work in the social assistance policy

This paper presents the work conditions of psychologists hired by private organizations to work at the Sistema Único de Assistência Social (Unified System for Social Assistance). Among other things, it concludes that this “outsourcing” process has been allowing temporary contracts, high turnover rates, late payment of salaries, dismissal of large groups of employees and lack of continuing education, which impacts the health of the workers and the quality of the services offered. Read More →

Medical practice precariousness at the Unified Health System — SUS

The medical practice in the Unified Health System is a study topic published in the journal Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), which reveals the working conditions of these professionals and the impacts on personal health, analyzed through interviews and self-confidence. Read More →

Lines that do not meet? Different perspectives of psychology upon organizations and work

Is it possible to attach a single label to the different approaches and professional practices of Psychology regarding work? Are there irreconcilable differences between psychology approaches, for example, an approach with a concentrated focus on management and another focused on the health of workers? Read More →

Temporal worlds within and beyond the colonial legacies of linear time

This special issue of Contexto Internacional engages coloniality through the perspective of time. The contributors go beyond highlighting the importance of temporality for critique by both developing the conceptual critique of historicism and exploring ways of relating past, present, and future that coexist with, displace, and challenge the colonial legacies of linear time. Read More →