Scientist-tested methods enhance fiber properties

By Maria Luiza De Grandi, Journalist of Ciência Rural journal, and Ana Betina Bender, Pharmacist and PhD Student in Food Science and Technology, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, BrazilLogo the Ciência Rural journal

The growing pursuit for a healthier lifestyle and concern about diet makes it essential to include dietary fiber in the diet. Researchers at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) found that micronisation and extrusion methods enhance the physiological role of dietary fibers and also do not generate chemical residues. The article “Effect of micronization and extrusion processes on the physicochemical properties of dietary fiber” was published in the journal Ciência Rural (vol. 49, no. 7).

Dietary fibers make important roles in the body, such as increasing lipid and carbohydrate metabolism and increasing the feeling of satiety after meals. When fermented in the gut, fibers produce high concentrations of fatty acids, which act as protective agents for diseases such as diarrhea, intestinal inflammation and colon cancer (MUDGIL; BARAK, 2013). Thus, dietary fibers are excellent allies for a healthy life (CHAU; WANG; WEN, 2007; DAOU; ZHANG, 2012).

Figure 1. Processing scheme.

Micronization is a method that involves the reduction of particle size and is linked to changes in the surface area and functional properties of the ingredients tested. Extrusion involves heating in combination with homogenization, characteristics that also alter the physical-chemical properties of dietary fiber. The procedures increase the bioaccessibility of the bioactive compounds present in the fibers as well as the antioxidant capacity of the products.

The methods tested by Santa Maria researchers do not generate chemical residues, unlike other chemical procedures requiring solvents. “Research has been carried out in our laboratory in order to verify the influence of the incorporation of these ingredients that had their physicochemical properties altered by application of micronization and extrusion, in animal feeds and formulations for human purposes,” explains researcher Ana Betine Bender.


CHAU, C.-F., WANG, Y.-T. and WEN, Y.-L. Different micronization methods significantly improve the functionality of carrot insoluble fibre. Food Chemistry [online]. 2007, vol. 100, no. 4, pp. 1402-1408, ISSN: 0308-8146 [viewed 12 August 2019]. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2005.11.034. Available from:

DAOU, C. and ZHANG, H. Study on functional properties of physically modified dietary fibres derived from defatted rice bran. Journal of Agricultural Science [online]. 2012, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 85-97, e-ISSN: 1916-9760 [viewed 12 August 2019]. DOI: 10.5539/jas.v4n9p85. Available from:

MUDGIL, D. and BARAK, S. Composition, properties and health benefits of indigestible carbohydrate polymers as dietary fiber: a review. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules [online]. 2013, vol. 61, pp. 1-6, ISSN: 0141-8130 [viewed 12 August 2019]. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2013.06.044. Available from:

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BENDER, A.B.B., et al. Micronization and extrusion processing on the physicochemical properties of dietary fiber. Cienc. Rural [online]. 2019, vol. 49, no. 7, e20190154, ISSN: 0103-8478 [viewed 12 August 2019]. DOI: 10.1590/0103-8478cr20190154. Available from:

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DE GRANDI, M.L. and BENDER, A.B. Scientist-tested methods enhance fiber properties [online]. SciELO in Perspective | Press Releases, 2019 [viewed ]. Available from:


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