In search of an alternative to the laborious process of correcting essays, more specifically regarding identifying deviations from the theme in essays, researchers have developed a text feedback platform that simulates the National High School Examination (Exame Nacional do Ensio Médio, ENEM) guidelines and grades, the Corrector of Essays by Artificial Intelligence (Corretor de Redações por Inteligência Artificial, CRIA). The tool is already being used by students and education professionals. … Read More →
How do young people experience the democratization of access to higher education?
Educational expansion, marked by the tension between meritocracy and pragmatism in access to higher education, confronts the aspirations and realities of young people, especially those from working class backgrounds, amid the erosion of traditional notions of career and stability. While some seek any degree as a means of social mobility, others aim for specific careers, trying to adapt in the face of obstacles. … Read More →
Pedagogical practices for student retention
Professional education has been undergoing transformations, so schools are challenged to re-signify the way they maintain a link with society. Student dropout is one of the major problems faced, and pedagogical practices are aimed at getting students more involved with the institution. … Read More →
Collective constructions: open peer review of an article on indigenous literature
Open peer review is critical to ensuring the integrity and quality of academic research, enabling greater transparency and collaboration. According to the researchers, the dialogical process between authors and reviewers and the resulting knowledge exchange guaranteed a significant improvement of the research. … Read More →
Contributions of Educação em Revista for the advance of Open Science in Brazil
Since 2021, Educação em Revista has been committed to Open Science. Celebrating its 39th anniversary in 2024, the journal begins the Special Week on the SciELO in Perspective blog | Humanities, bringing discussions about its experience on adopting Open Peer Review and new perspectives towards a more transparent and collaborative science. … Read More →
Football student-athletes in Brazil tend to prioritize sports careers
Young athletes in Brazil prioritize their soccer career over their studies. In addition to the conciliation of study routines with training/competitions in soccer clubs, there is a tendency to move to the evening teaching period due to the daily demands of the clubs, which reduces the length of stay in school. … Read More →
Race, gender and sexual diversity as a challenge for the intersectional approach in education
Discussing the importance of an intersectional approach to the concepts of race, gender and sexual diversity in articulation with economic and social inequalities in education has become a contemporary agenda. This theoretical orientation has contributed to the deepening of the dialog between educational research and other areas of human sciences and social sciences. … Read More →
The concept of inclusion presents practical contradictions and reveals the need to transform spaces
The concept of inclusive education aims to highlight the existing gaps in its idea and conception, which had been signified as an organic principle of modernity in terms of the construction of an egalitarian society. Therefore, it denounces the thoughtless acceptance of this contradictory compound through robust historical analysis, pointing to the need for dialectical overcoming of this idea. … Read More →
A shattered organisational culture or the effects of temporality within the school context
Within the context of the culture of school organizations in Portugal, the effects of the New Public Management and the digitalization of education on the development of fragmented forms of culture were enhanced by the increased individualism, adherence to instrumental logics of action, and a diminished sense of belonging to the organization. … Read More →
The unsaid about “eadization” in Higher Education
It is understood that the Brazilian Higher Education concept of “eadization” is recent and must be monitored so that its identity and function are not lost. It is possible to observe that the flexibility given by the insertion of a percentage (up to 40%) in the workload of face-to-face higher education courses dedicated to Distance Education supports a process of reconfiguration from the symbiosis. … Read More →
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