Category: Cr

Functional foods containing probiotics are innovative and offer health benefits

Variety of dairy products, including milk in bottles and a glass, various cheeses, yogurt in containers, and a bowl of cottage cheese displayed on a white background.

The dairy market faces a growing demand for new functional foods. In response, the use of lactic acid bacteria in fermented products is promising, as it provides various health benefits and offers a wide range of compounds. Read More →

Tick vaccine could be an effective solution for agriculture and livestock

Close-up of multiple engorged ticks with clusters of brown eggs attached to their bodies on a plain surface.Tick vaccine could be an effective solution for agriculture and livestock

Although the use of acaricides is the main strategy for controlling infestations of R. microplus, researchers have been investigating vaccines as a promising alternative, as they offer several advantages, such as preventing the selection of drug-resistant tick populations and reducing the presence of acaricide residues in milk, meat, and the environment. Read More →

Barnyardgrass resistance to herbicides demands new agricultural strategies

Photograph of a pair of gloved hands holding freshly picked herbs or plants, with more greenery visible in the background.

A recent evaluation of the occurrence of cross-resistance in barnyardgrass biotypes from the main rice-growing regions of Santa Catarina state to ACCase inhibitors detected a biotype of Echinochloa crus-galli with multiple resistance to the herbicides quinclorac (cellulose biosynthesis inhibitor), penoxsulam (ALS inhibitor) and cyhalofop-butyl (ACCase inhibitor). Read More →

Parasitic infections in rats and mice used in experimentation in Brazil concern scientists

Photograph showing a newborn hairless mouse pup lying on two hands protected by white latex gloves

Rats and mice are extensively used in teaching and research, yet their sanitary condition is neglected in Brazil, resulting in parasitosis in the country’s vivariums. To ensure the quality of scientific research, it is crucial to implement stricter protocols regarding the sanitary condition of laboratory animal Read More →

The impact of using tannin extract in cattle and sheep diet

Several cows grazing on a vast grassy field.

During the rearing of dairy cattle and sheep, the diets managed impact the composition of the milk produced, especially regarding fatty acids. Researchers evaluated the use of a condensed tannin in the fat profile of the milk of these animals and concluded that black acacia extract improves the nutritional quality of sheep’s milk, with no adverse impact on cattle. Read More →

Smartphones can help in determining the characteristics of essential oils

Various brown glass bottles containing essential oils, each with distinct colored labels, on a marble surface.

A new method uses smartphones to detect color changes resulting from a reaction with the main component of clove essential oil, eugenol. This approach promotes affordable and fast quality control, which is particularly beneficial for small-scale producers. Read More →

Researchers develop symbiotic fermented coconut-based drink

Open coconut on a white surface.

A symbiotic fermented coconut-based drink, developed by researchers from UFRRJ in collaboration with PUCMM and Embrapa, demonstrates a microbiological stability of 28 days under refrigeration, highlighting probiotic and antioxidant benefits. The product is a promising plant-based alternative in the production of probiotic beverages, with the potential to meet the growing demands of vegetarian, vegan, and food-allergic consumers. Read More →

Study suggests that milk ring test can be done on samples with Bronopol

Photograph of a cow with its head resting on a fence. In the background, a blurred grassy field is visible.

Brucellosis is a disease caused by bacteria and can be transmitted to humans through direct or indirect contact with farm animals or by contact with companion animals. The milk ring test (MRT) is one of the ways used to identify the disease at the dairy herd level. Analyses indicate that the MRT can be used on milk samples with a preservative (Bronopol®). Read More →

Analysis reveals reduction of pesticides in CEASA/SP strawberries

Several strawberries scattered and overlapping.

Strawberries are popularly known as a crop with pesticide residues. However, after analyzing residues found in 62 samples of strawberries produced in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and sold at CEASA/RS between 2018 and 2019, a reduction in the percentage of strawberry samples with non-conformities regarding the presence of residues was observed. Read More →

Inconsistency of data on dog bites in Naples prevents accurate assessment of the phenomenon

Photo of a golden retriever. He is looking to the left with his mouth open. In the background, blurry bushes and grass.

Dogs are quite popular domestic animals around the world, yet their bite is a major public health problem. From the analysis of data on dog bites in Naples, serious and profound inconsistencies were found, revealing structural and significant weaknesses in the current data collection system. Read More →