Author: Educação Em Revista

Web platform can revolutionize the essay correction process

Promotional image of CRIA (artificial intelligence essay grader), showing the tool's logo, details about its features, and social media contacts, all on a purple background.

In search of an alternative to the laborious process of correcting essays, more specifically regarding identifying deviations from the theme in essays, researchers have developed a text feedback platform that simulates the National High School Examination (Exame Nacional do Ensio Médio, ENEM) guidelines and grades, the Corrector of Essays by Artificial Intelligence (Corretor de Redações por Inteligência Artificial, CRIA). The tool is already being used by students and education professionals. Read More →

Pedagogical practices for student retention

Man with short brown hair, wearing rectangular-framed glasses, black suit, and tie, presenting a seminar in a conference room. In the background, a screen displays a slideshow with the text "Active Methodologies in the Classroom".

Professional education has been undergoing transformations, so schools are challenged to re-signify the way they maintain a link with society. Student dropout is one of the major problems faced, and pedagogical practices are aimed at getting students more involved with the institution. Read More →