Category: Agricultural Sciences

Water use in coconut crop can be more efficient during drought with deficit irrigation

Well-lit photo of a coconut tree with at least 10 coconuts on the tree and very wide leaves. On the ground, grass, soil, and two piles of coconuts (about 30 coconuts).

Sustained deficit irrigation can increase the efficiency of water use in dwarf coconut irrigation, but significantly reduces its productivity. The use of this technique is only economically justified in situations of restricted water supply for irrigation, as occurs during droughts in the Brazilian Northeast. Read More →

Mares vaccinated at the end of pregnancy have a higher number of antibodies against equine pyroplasmosis

Photo: adult horse and baby horse walking in a pasture.

Mares vaccinated in the final third of gestation showed higher specific total vaccine antibodies for immunization against Theileria equi and Streptococcus equi subspecies equi, and the antibodies were also transferred to their foals, which may contribute to a vaccination schedule based on foal age that optimizes control against such diseases. Read More →

Evaluation of genetic resistance to brusone in wheat grown in Brazil

Photo: branches of wheat.

In evaluating the resistance of wheat genotypes to brusone, the updated characterization of the reaction to brusone of brazilian wheat cultivars proves to be an important exploratory milestone in the evaluation of the reaction of wheat genotypes, which can help farmers to choose more resistant cultivars to brusone for their crops. Read More →

Dissolution of agrominerals by bioweathering provides nutrients for corn growth

Four microscopic images of biotite, a mineral. In all four images, something that looks like a plate of broken glass at different angles.

Pure and ground samples of biotite schist and biotite syenite proved to be sources of macro- and micronutrients for corn plants. The discovery is relevant for the future guidance of fertilization protocols, correction and soil balance to maximize production through the use of silicate agrominerals as soil remineralizers. Read More →

Hybridization with transcription factor AREB increases drought resistance in elite soybean cultivars

Rectangular horizontal photo. Plantation a bit blurred. Thin, tall branches, leaves that look like pods hanging from the branches. The plants look dry, but this may be due to lighting. In the background, strong and diffuse sun. The whole image is very yellowish and with strong shadows.

Soybean cultivation requires attention due to its susceptibility to drought. The introgression of the AtAREB1 transgene into the LS93-0375 and BMX Desafio RR elite cultivars conferred a better physiological performance to the genotypes, proving to be an effective mechanism of genetic engineering for the reduction of the effects of water deficit. Read More →

Brusone: Wheat blast disease requires chemical control management and increased genetic resistance of crops

Composition. 8 images arranged horizontally 4x4. The top ones are close-up shots of long dark green leaves with straight light green lines and black or yellowish spots. The bottom ones are lime green wheat clumps, some have spots. The clumps are half oval half triangular and grow upwards from the stem. They also have small, long, thin leaves.

A fungal disease that attacks wheat cultivation threatens world food security by compromising up to 100% of infected crops. Research points to the importance of making crops less susceptible by combining chemical control and genetic resistance protocols to increase productivity and reduce losses. Read More →

Analysis brings a retrospect of more than 20 years of hipmagnesemia cases in cows

Vertical horizontal photo. A black-haired cow with two calves on her side. They are in a very green pasture.

When magnesium levels in the blood are low, hypomagnesemia occurs. The disease occurs in ruminants and is responsible for important economic losses in beef herds in Argentina. The analysis of 20 years of cases of this disease demonstrates similarities in patterns of seasonality, management and associated climatic conditions, dietary factors, among others. Read More →

Hybrid grape seeds can inhibit the initial phase of some types of cancer

Hybrid grapes have chemopreventive and antioxidant properties, especially in green seeds, which showed higher content of chemical compounds that contribute to such properties compared to more mature grapes. The discovery opens possibilities for future studies to isolate the active molecule and further develop pharmaceuticals. Read More →

Researchers use drones to identify nematodes

A white drone with a camera in the center and the text "PHANTOM" on the front. Behind, green blurred background and a person standing wearing white clothes.

Soybean is one of the main species of cultivated plants in the world, having an important role in the food sector and as raw material. Several types of stressors cause losses in soybean, such as nematodes. Using drones, the study determined the best spectral band for the detection of two types of nematodes. Read More →

Evaluation of 42 rootstocks behavior in Citriculture

Photograph of a man analyzing a citrus tree seedling in a greenhouse.

Citrus culture is the cultivation of citrus fruits, especially orange and lime. This practice is one of the most important sectors of agribusiness in Brazil and generally utilizes the rootstock technique. The analysis evaluates the behavior of 42 rootstocks of “Valência Late” orange trees during the seedling. The results point to some possible alternatives for new rootstocks that will be field tested. Read More →