Category: Engineering

It is now possible to develop an accessible passenger cabin for people with physical and sensory disabilities

Photograph of the interior of an airplane, showing the blue seats arranged along the cabin.

The difficulties faced by passengers with reduced mobility or sensory losses cause people with disabilities to forgo air travel. By mapping these users’ needs and based on technologies already available in the aviation industry, Brazilian researchers demonstrate that airlines can develop an accessible cabin. Read More →

Human adaptation to the extraterrestrial environment

Thais Russomano in microgravity on a European Space Agency parabolic flight in 2006.

Earth’s gravity has shaped human beings over thousands of years. It was clear from the first extraterrestrial spaceflight entering orbit that microgravity, due to an object being in free fall, immediately affects human body functions because of the increase, reduction, or absence of gravity. Read More →

Design of an aircraft smart cabin to meet the users’ needs

Preliminary architecture of the smart cabin concept.

Technological advances are changing the needs of air travelers and the new trend are Smart Cabins, aircraft cabins with a smart technologies. The development of these complex systems requires the identification of users’ needs and the feasibility of the technologies to be applied to the product. Read More →

Ionospheric scintillation monitoring networks contribute to Global Navigation Satellite System

Composition with (1) a map of Brazil with colored polka dots in different cities; (2) small tables representing each month of the year 2014 and marked with colors; (3) a graphic with the title "Station SJCU (GPS) having elev ≥20"; (4) a graphic with lines that oscillate up and down; and (5) a photo of a cylindrical structure with a triangular top in an open space with grass.

The positioning and air navigation system using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is affected by ionospheric scintillations. To mitigate these effects, it is necessary to study the characteristics of these scintillations using data generated by scintillation monitor networks, in order to describe the main characteristics of these networks. Read More →

Exploring the synergy and integration among Geodesy, Space Weather and Navigation

Illustration of a field, a runway, sky with clouds and satellites, stations, and a transmission tower.

Air, land, and sea navigation are affected by phenomena that occur in the ionosphere, especially the plasma bubbles, resulting in the occurrence of ionospheric scintillation. This phenomenon deteriorates the quality of the Global Navigation Satellite System, requiring an integration between Geodesy and Space Weather. Read More →

Is it possible to properly manage uncertainties in knowledge creation projects?


Study presents a diagnosis of knowledge creation projects based on uncertainty levels using the Hard and Soft project categorization system in a case study managed by the aeronautical certification department of EMBRAER S.A. The research demonstrated that projects of this nature have Soft predominant characteristics (greater uncertainty) in their dimensions and, therefore, require a carefully elaborated uncertainty management process. The results also show that this system is an effective tool to identify and manage project uncertainties. Read More →

Space conquest and the future of humanity

The Space Age resulted from the USA × USSR dispute following World War II. Currently, in addition to the dispute among nations, the world space scenario is marked by competition among different private agents, in a modality called NewSpace. For the present decade, 22,000 satellites are expected to be launched, twice the number of satellites launched since the Sputnik. The Space Age allowed for the monitoring of the deterioration of the planet´s health, putting at risk the future of life on Earth. Read More →

Aircraft development under the Mass Properties Management perspective

Aircraft mass properties, such as weight, are established during aircraft conception. Those properties usually are subject to deviations during aircraft development, which leads to a reduction of the desired performance and rework in the development process. This study presents a proposal to reduce rework, keeping the planned performance, and resulting in higher project efficiency. Read More →

3D concrete printing and the structuration challenge for buildability

3D printing has been making its ground in several industrial applications, including the construction sector. As such technology advances in development and innovation, the idea that buildings could be built in a fully automated manner becomes increasingly feasible. In the industry, 3D concrete printing has been proving to be very promising, and viscosity-enhancing admixtures can play a key role in the success of the application. Read More →

Perspectives and scenarios in the airline sector during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

Interview with professor Tessaleno Devezas presents an original vision of why the surprise effect caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economic system and the cause-effect reciprocity presented by the aeronautical sector as well. The researcher discusses possible scenarios and probable characteristics that involve the sector, presenting thoughts about how to face the socioeconomic situation during and after the crisis. Read More →