Analysis reveals that Asian languages are diverse and influenced by regional and external factors. However, Western civilization’s impact has been historically limited, largely because regional civilizations have protected their languages and cultures, which ensures a strong connection between regional civilizations and the development and preservation of their languages. … Read More →
Embodied knowledge in dance offers new perspectives on art and philosophy
The integration of philosophy and dance reveals that bodily movement is a profound form of philosophical and emotional expression. By combining aesthetics and bodily knowledge, dance transcends the physical, offering new perspectives for self-exploration, education, and therapy, while enriching cultural and social appreciation. … Read More →
The relationship between religious philosophy and mysticism elements in Chinese folk dance
Exploring the rich religious philosophy and mysticism in Chinese folk dance, by using the example of the Shaanbei Ansai Waist Drum, we delve into how these dances reflect cultural traditions, spiritual beliefs, and ancient rituals, offering a profound understanding of human life, nature, and the universe. … Read More →
How Does Confucianism Influence Chinese Dance?
Delving into Chinese traditional agricultural ecological philosophy and the profound principles guiding Chinese agriculture for millennia, it showcases intensive planting, diversified management, and harmonious coexistence with nature for a sustainable future. This exploration will urge the integration of these philosophies into modern agricultural frameworks to benefit current and future generations. … Read More →
An Analysis of the Epistemological Foundations of Machine Learning
Outlined here is a critical review of the logical-epistemic foundations of machine learning, focusing on the limitation of AI systems’ autonomy in generating knowledge. It contrasts this possibility with the theoretical constraints posed by Chaitin’s incompleteness theorem, which argues that AI cannot surpass human cognitive capacity. … Read More →
Nietzsche and politics as will to dominion
The will to domination is the will to power in the political sphere. It is not about dominating in the sense of oppressing and subjugating, but rather of being provided for virtuel. In this context, observing the extent of Nietzsche’s effort for the conception of transvalued virtue, that is, stripped of morality, makes it possible to contribute to the political project of domination and overcoming. … Read More →
The most compelling instances of exclusionary reasons are those which Joseph Raz, in essence, overlooked
In his works, Joseph Raz neglected a category of exclusionary reasons: those excluded by their very nature. This category not only shows that the concept of exclusionary reasons is not empty or inconsistent, but also plays a crucial role in elucidating a significant moral domain, namely, the domain of affective relationships. … Read More →
Eduard Hanslick’s “aesthetics” go into Philosophy of Mind and Epistemology
Hanslick, author of “On the Musically Beautiful,” is a prominent figure of Music Autonomy. In opposition to principles of musical signification, he argued that musical meaning lay in the structure and intrinsic elements of the composition. This analysis concludes that his “musical idea” concept is an epistemological formulation; therefore, his “aesthetics” must be interpreted also as a Philosophy of Mind and Epistemology, both strongly influenced by positivism. … Read More →
Educação em Revista: editorial challenges and scientific possibilities
The trajectory of Educação em Revista reflects its commitment to quality scientific publishing. This editorial addresses its transformations in scientific management, technological adaptation, internationalization, and adherence to Open Science, discussing the need to professionalize the editorial staff of Brazilian scientific journals to guarantee financial and scientific sustainability nationally and internationally. … Read More →
The Open University of Brazil in the management of student permanence in Pedagogy courses
The growth of distance education (Educação a Distância, EaD) in Brazil, coupled with the high dropout rates in this modality, brings with it the need to renew school management models, with the aim of keeping students until they graduate. Based on an analysis of the Pedagogy courses at the Open University of Brazil, researchers have developed alternative guidelines to guarantee student retention. … Read More →
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