Category: Human Sciences

Are eating disorders linked to transmission by parents of high anxiety attachment models?

One study aimed to investigate in eating disorders (ED) patients the prevalence of High Anxiety Attachment Internal Working Models (HAIWMs) and their transmission by parents. The Separation Anxiety Test was administered to 55 patients with an ED, a control sample, their mothers and fathers. The two groups differed significantly, with a prevalence of HAIWMs in the patients and their parents compared to the controls. Read More →

Reducing bullying in school improves teacher-student relationship and this increases school engagement

Student evaluations indicate that education in Brazil is precarious, thus, one needs to identify how different aspects intertwine to engage students. It has been found that bullying perpetration reduces school engagement and suffering or practicing bullying impairs teacher-student relationship, which directly interferes with school engagement. Read More →

Psychological interventions with public secondary students mediated by Art

Psychologists and researches of adolescents development carried out an investigation with 70 high school public students and observed that artistic and reflexive activities promote the interest and involvement of young people in the debate on topics related to their current and future life. The research was carried out in a state public school on the outskirts of the city of Campinas-SP, with two classes of second year night, in the two academic semesters of 2017. Read More →

Eminence is not an exclusive attribute of the male gender

The author notes that in the few works on eminent, women they have encountered great difficulties in their careers, which begin in the family where the priority in family education has been to form a family first and foremost; in college, even being as bright as their male colleagues are not being promoted in front of their male colleagues, especially in scientific careers and finally, in the professional field, we can see the so-called “glass ceiling”, as a subtle way of discrimination that also affects the attainment of the rank of eminence by women in their creative works. Read More →

There are obstacles to creative approach on scientific areas?

Creativity is a crucial issue in science. Scientific research should not be restricted to the logical development and application of known ideas, but should promote new ideas to expand knowledge beyond the existing frontiers. No researcher is immune to cognitive bias that might exist in his/her publications. The confirmation bias, for example, is a common error on scientific articles. Read More →

Will creativity and innovation be the news skills for the 21st Century?

Both creativity and innovation have been valued as important skills for the 21st century. However, a number of difficulties have been highlighted in the scientific literature on constructs. Are they distinct, synonymous, or complementary? The three theoretical strands will be addressed in the text, in an attempt to answer this question. Read More →

Transcultural clinic: migration and exile

Faced with the challenges posed by the current growing migratory flows, the study presents a report of a differentiated clinical care, according to a transcultural framework. Since uprooted families may have difficulties in dealing with suffering in a new land, a transcultural reading of the symptom is proposed, associating traditions, representations and cultural etiologies to a specific therapeutic technique. Read More →

What is the prevalence of internet addiction among Brazilian adolescents?

It was observed that 24% and 10% of the students studying at public and private schools, respectively, met criteria for Internet dependence. Additionally 82% of the students attending private schools stated their parents do not set any limits to the use of the Internet. Among those from public schools, this number was 60%. Read More →

Issues in Epistemology, old and new

This thematic issue of MANUSCRITO (Vol. 40, No. 4), guest-edited by Rodrigo Borges, brings together both Brazilian and international scholars to discuss contemporary issues in Epistemology. Topics range from the classic problems of the analysis of knowledge and skepticism to more recent issues in the theory of information. Read More →

Role and parental involvement in the Portuguese secondary school: Challenges and changes

Parents’ role and their involvement in children’s education changes during adolescence and parents consider that establishing rules, monitoring, and parental support are the most challenging roles in adolescent education. Read More →