Category: Cr

Relationship of trust is determinant in the purchase and sale of cattle

In transactions between cattle ranchers and beef slaughterhouses, the relationship of trust is crucial. Influencing the selection of contractual arrangements among cattle breeders, the trust factor was analyzed by researchers, who concluded that it has an impact on the quality of Brazilian meat. Read More →

Use of tanine in sheep feeding has positive results

Easily accessible, the tannin extract of Acacia Negra proved to be a potential aid in the digestion of sheep. The research, which evaluated the effect of food inclusion of this substance on consumption, digestion and nitrogen retention in sheep, pointed out that its inclusion in animal feed is positive, reducing the degradation of carbohydrates and proteins in ruminants. Read More →

Study analyzes the presence of bacteria in vacuum-packed meat

Meat that is out of date has changes in color, strong odor and production of limosity. These characteristics are due to the combination of biological and chemical events caused by the presence of deteriorating bacteria. This study analyzed the behavior of bacteria where they estimated the shelf-life of vacuum-packed beef and stored under cooling. Read More →

Macrofauna as an Alternative for Soil Recovery

Macrofauna is essential for the soil food chain and its analysis is efficient to indicate environmental quality. The research evaluated the macrofauna of the soil of an area under recovery and with different types of vegetation cover and the results showed two plant species as an alternative for the recovery of degraded soils in the Brazilian Cerrado. Read More →

Essential ginger oil has antifungal action

Food products and goods, such as corn kernels, may eventually be contaminated by fungi. In recent research, ginger essential oil was analyzed as a possible alternative to be a synthetic fungicides, by inhibiting the development of fungi in corn kernels. The results showed antifungal efficacy of the essential oil of ginger against the fungus Aspergillus flavus. Read More →

Transport of cattle influences meat quality

Quality meat is the result of several factors such as food, production and also the transport of cattle. For greater economic profitability, transport with a high rate of stocking of the bodies is common, but it results in hematomas in the bovine carcasses. Study analyzed three types of bodies, their stocking rate and the incidence of hematomas in the carcasses of cattle. Read More →

Organic agriculture brings quality of life to producers

Organic agriculture’s main characteristic is the production of food and other products without the use of chemicals. The use of these products, such as pesticides and pesticides, are harmful not only to consumers, but also to those who produce these foods. In search of evidence that shows the quality of life of organic farmers, a review gathered eleven papers on this theme. Read More →

Pomegranate can be used as a natural preservative

Pomegranate has a high concentration of antioxidant compounds, with the possibility of using it as a preservative for meat and meat products. As an alternative to chemical compounds, a research was carried out using extract of the pomegranate peel in the conservation of the Tuscan type sausage. Read More →

Millet can be used as an economic alternative in cattle feed

Millet presents itself as an economically viable alternative to corn and sorghum, as a component of feed for cattle, under confinement. Researchers used the Monte Carlo simulation technique (economic risk analysis) to analyze the economic risks of this substitution. The results demonstrated a better economic viability when the level of substitution of corn grain for millet grain was total. Read More →

The color of soybean seeds influences its quality

The premature ripening of soybeans can produce greenish seeds, directly affecting the quality of the lots. Observing this, researchers from the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) and the University of Passo Fundo (UPF), evaluated the influence of the presence of green soybean seeds on the physiological quality of soybean seed lots. Read More →