MANUSCRITO brings fourteen original contributions to the philosophy of time

This issue (Vol. 40, N. 1) brings together a number of original contributions by leading philosophers on several issues related to the metaphysics of time and semantics of temporal expressions. Read More →

Study shows essential oils as a promising alternative in the control of dry bubble disease

Researchers at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), in Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil, have demonstrated that the oil extracts of cinnamon, clove and thyme are potential and efficient alternatives in the control of dry bubble disease in mushrooms of the species Agaricus bisporus. Read More →

Fatty acid profile of lamb meat can be changed according to their feeding regime

Researchers at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México in Toluca, Mexico, have shown that fatty acid content is higher in lambs fed with pasture compared to animals whose nutrition is supplemented with fishmeal or soybean meal. The study was published in the journal Ciência Rural, vol. 47, no. 4, of April, 2017. Read More →

Mother: Do you know what is the Guthrie Test?

A study conducted with mothers showed superficial knowledge about the Guthrie Test. Such test, included in the Neonatal Screening Program (PNTN), aims at detecting asymptomatic infectious and genetic diseases at birth, mainly inborn errors of metabolism, facilitating early diagnosis and treatment of these diseases, in order to avoid sequelae for the child. Read, find out, and update your knowledge on this important subject for the promotion of neonatal health. Read More →

Complications in patients submitted to neurosurgical procedures

Neurosurgical procedures are often performed in an elective mode or in urgency or emergency situations. In the postoperative period, the patients perform in general intensive care or neurological units, or even in hospital admission units. Despite the care provided in the postoperative period, patients can present systemic or neurological complications, impacting hospitalization time as well as hospital cost and mortality. Read More →

BAR’s new issue brings interesting topics to our readers, such as social networks, Brazilian stock market, gender differences, among others

In the first issue of 2017, BAR ‒ Brazilian Administration Review presents five interesting articles to all readers. The journal has published these articles online as soon as they were ready, seeking to maintain the diversity of topics. In this way, we have article from Finance, Organizational Theory, International Management, among other themes. Read More →

How do an individual’s social network, self-monitoring and future orientation relate to ethical decision-making?

This research, from authors Ana Carla Bon, Roger James Volkema and Jorge Ferreira da Silva, represents a step forward to our understanding of ethical decision-making through the adoption of multiple and simultaneous factors, proposing an integrated theory of individual and situational factors influencing unethical decision-making. Read More →

Research tests the seroconversion of dogs immunized with the Leishmune and Leish Tec vaccines in tests of the Ministry of Health

Researchers at the National Institute of Infectology Evandro Chagas and the Oswaldo Cruz Institute of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro demonstrated that in a non-endemic area, dogs vaccinated against canine visceral leishmaniasis (LVC) with vaccines developed in Brazil were not capable of seroconverting in the protocol of tests used by the Ministry of Health. Read More →

Readings of Uncle Tom’s Cabin in Slaveholding Brazil

In nineteenth-century slaveholding Brazil, the edition in Portuguese of Uncle Tom’s Cabin attenuated its critical and transformative potentiality. The translator made interventions that allowed readers of the Lusophone world to conceive the end of slavery in a much more distant future. Read More →

Study suggests computational model to predict air pollution after a rocket launching

The study suggests a new approach to predict major atmospheric pollutants emissions after a Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) launching, using a weather/air quality computational model. Propellant combustion may release a huge amount of hydrogen chloride (HCl), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and particulate matter, posing risk to the environment. Read More →