The impact of using tannin extract in cattle and sheep diet

Several cows grazing on a vast grassy field.

During the rearing of dairy cattle and sheep, the diets managed impact the composition of the milk produced, especially regarding fatty acids. Researchers evaluated the use of a condensed tannin in the fat profile of the milk of these animals and concluded that black acacia extract improves the nutritional quality of sheep’s milk, with no adverse impact on cattle. Read More →

Smartphones can help in determining the characteristics of essential oils

Various brown glass bottles containing essential oils, each with distinct colored labels, on a marble surface.

A new method uses smartphones to detect color changes resulting from a reaction with the main component of clove essential oil, eugenol. This approach promotes affordable and fast quality control, which is particularly beneficial for small-scale producers. Read More →

Human adaptation to the extraterrestrial environment

Thais Russomano in microgravity on a European Space Agency parabolic flight in 2006.

Earth’s gravity has shaped human beings over thousands of years. It was clear from the first extraterrestrial spaceflight entering orbit that microgravity, due to an object being in free fall, immediately affects human body functions because of the increase, reduction, or absence of gravity. Read More →

Researchers develop symbiotic fermented coconut-based drink

Open coconut on a white surface.

A symbiotic fermented coconut-based drink, developed by researchers from UFRRJ in collaboration with PUCMM and Embrapa, demonstrates a microbiological stability of 28 days under refrigeration, highlighting probiotic and antioxidant benefits. The product is a promising plant-based alternative in the production of probiotic beverages, with the potential to meet the growing demands of vegetarian, vegan, and food-allergic consumers. Read More →

Study suggests that milk ring test can be done on samples with Bronopol

Photograph of a cow with its head resting on a fence. In the background, a blurred grassy field is visible.

Brucellosis is a disease caused by bacteria and can be transmitted to humans through direct or indirect contact with farm animals or by contact with companion animals. The milk ring test (MRT) is one of the ways used to identify the disease at the dairy herd level. Analyses indicate that the MRT can be used on milk samples with a preservative (Bronopol®). Read More →

Domestic workers of Honduran origin in the U.S.A: An approximation

Photograph of a person washing dishes, specifically focusing on a fork. In the image, only a part of their body is visible: the hand.

Honduran women residing in the USA, employed in domestic occupations, typically tend to be younger, have access to bank accounts, and maintain lower savings compared to individuals in other occupations. Additionally, they often earn a significantly lower income. These findings underscore the challenges faced by this particular group and emphasize the importance of enhancing their working conditions and rights. Read More →

Enhancing pandemic predictions by measuring daily contacts

Jaboatão City Hall employees distribute new clothes, masks and hygiene kits to homeless people.

The first global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic challenged existing measurement methods for respiratory diseases. While digital technologies were initially touted for real-time monitoring, the key has proven to be careful measurement of daily face-to-face contacts, which is essential for refining mathematical models to assess infection, recovery, and mortality. Read More →

Pregnant women treated with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion have better glycemic control

Photograph of a pregnant woman with hands on her belly.

In a comparison of maternal-fetal outcomes among T1D patients treated with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) or multiple daily injections during pregnancy, a higher frequency of cesarean and a lower occurrence of congenital malformations group were observed in the CSII. Adjusted results might indicate that these are influenced by glycemic control. Read More →

Analysis reveals reduction of pesticides in CEASA/SP strawberries

Several strawberries scattered and overlapping.

Strawberries are popularly known as a crop with pesticide residues. However, after analyzing residues found in 62 samples of strawberries produced in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and sold at CEASA/RS between 2018 and 2019, a reduction in the percentage of strawberry samples with non-conformities regarding the presence of residues was observed. Read More →

Design of an aircraft smart cabin to meet the users’ needs

Preliminary architecture of the smart cabin concept.

Technological advances are changing the needs of air travelers and the new trend are Smart Cabins, aircraft cabins with a smart technologies. The development of these complex systems requires the identification of users’ needs and the feasibility of the technologies to be applied to the product. Read More →