Temporal worlds within and beyond the colonial legacies of linear time

This special issue of Contexto Internacional engages coloniality through the perspective of time. The contributors go beyond highlighting the importance of temporality for critique by both developing the conceptual critique of historicism and exploring ways of relating past, present, and future that coexist with, displace, and challenge the colonial legacies of linear time. Read More →

Study shows that malocclusion has a negative impact on adolescents’ quality of life

A study carried out at Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) has shown that malocclusion (badly positioned teeth) may affect adolescents’ quality of life in a negative way. According to what was reported by parents and caregivers, youngsters with more serious alterations show more impaired aspects of emotional and social well-being than individuals without alterations or with minor ones. Read More →

Study proposes fruition as a new attribute of information representation for works of contemporary art

It discusses information and art starting from the books of artists, from the collection of the Núcleo de Arte Contemporânea da Paraíba (NAC/UFPB), analyzing the performance of CI through the representation of information, in a collaborative working relationship between professionals. The representation of information could help in the treatment and organization of information, softening the complexity of these objects in the face of their possibilities of abstraction and fruition. Read More →

Research analyzes use of TRS in organizational studies

Bibliometric research analyzes the use of Social Representation Theory (SRT) in Organizational Studies (OS). We investigated 90 papers published in journals and scientific events from 2001 to 2014. The results indicate that the use of SRT in OS is incipient, superficial and presents theoretical and methodological inconsistencies. Read More →

Research addresses mini-implants insertion without vertical angulation

Orthodontic mini-implants have been routinely used in orthodontic treatments. Technical guidelines point to the need of vertical inclination during insertion. An analysis of the influence of vertical inclination on the maximum insertion torque is available in Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics. Read More →

MANUSCRITO brings new contributions to many topics in philosophy

MANUSCRITO (VOL. 39.3) brings some new original contributions to the philosophy of language, epistemology, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of mind and metaethics. It contains articles by specialists on a variety of issues currently discussed in the literature, and represents a substantial contribution to the contemporary philosophical debate. Read More →

What is the possible effect of clown interaction on vital signs and nonverbal communication of hospitalized children?

Researchers at the Faculdade de Medicina de Jundiaí [Jundiaí School of Medicine], in the city of Jundiaí (State of São Paulo, Brazil) and Universidade Guarulhos [Guarulhos University], in the city of Guarulhos (State of São Paulo, Brazil), published a study that shows the positive and beneficial effects of the interaction of hospitalized children with clowns using as indicators nonverbal communication and vital signs of these children. Read More →

Is the qualitative approach applicable to medical education and research?

The first issue of 2017 of Ciência & Saúde Coletiva presents the difficulties of medical researchers to adhere to qualitative research, on the one hand; on the other, it brings a series of articles, originating from empirical research or review in which these professionals appear as first authors or as member of research groups. The key question is: Why is that in the exercise of an essentially humanistic and intersubjective activity are there strong resistances to knowing and recognizing the scientificity of the qualitative method. Read More →

Biofouling successional processes

To assess the successional pattern of fouling organisms we tested the hypothesis that depth, light intensity and predation influences the trajectory of the fouling community. The results suggest that each physical factor or biological process can change the successional trajectory, and the respective model (e.g., convergent, divergent, parallel, or cyclic) depends on the magnitudes of the determinants that act on the community at each stage of its trajectory. Read More →

New volume of MANUSCRITO brings novel contributions to a wide variety of topics in philosophy

MANUSCRITO (Vol. 39.1) brings some new original contributions to the philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics and philosophical logic. It contains articles by specialists from Latin America and Europe on a variety of issues currently discussed in the literature, and represents a substantial contribution to the contemporary philosophical debate. Read More →