Silage study shows that colostrum can be used with microbiological safety in animal feed

Researchers at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, showed that anaerobic fermentation process colostrum (Colostrum silage) is able to inhibit the growth of non sporulated pathogenic bacteria. Read More →

Research describes the physiology of Dimorphandra garneriana

Researchers at the Federal University of Paraíba, in Areia, Paraíba state, Brazil, described the physiology of Dimorphandra garneriana and demonstrated that this forest specie does not tolerate water stress in its initial stages of development. Read More →

Study points to new chronic form of liver disease associated with ingestion of Brachiaria grasses

Researchers at the Federal University of Santa Maria in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State, of Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, in Mato Grosso do Sul state, and the University of Cuiabá, in Mato Grosso state, in Brazil, analyzed cattle livers in a abattoir and found a new form of chronic liver disease probably associated with ingestion of Brachiaria grasses. Read More →

Research presents favorable results of psychological intervention with women victims of intimate partner violence

One of the factors for violence perpetuation is the transmission of coercitive practices through family generations. The Parceria Project (Projeto Parceria) aims at teaching parenting skills to Brazilian women victims of intimate partner violence and shows that it is possible to intervene in order to contribute to the development of healthier family relationships. Read More →

Diagnosis of congenital malformations during the pregnancy is a difficult theme for families and professionals, and can affects the mental health of pregnant women

Research considers that the diagnosis of congenital malformation may affect maternal mental health during pregnancy. Symptoms of anxiety and depression can occur from the first quarter, impacting also on the family, especially if the communication of the diagnosis is not careful. They conclude that the coping face to this situation and the impact of bad news can be minimized by the pregnant woman’s support network. Read More →

Why entrepreneurs need firms, and the theory of the firm needs entrepreneurship theory

A study, published in the ThinkBox section of the Revista de Administração – RAUSP, discuss the reason why the research literature on entrepreneurship and the theory of the firm developed mostly independently although firms are established by entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurship is typically embodied within a firm. Read More →

Research improves the practice of environmentally sustainable actions in the medication process in hospitals

Researchers from the Studies and Research Group in Health Services Administration and Nursing Management from The Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) have developed studies to improve the practice of sustainable actions from an environmental point of view in hospitals. A recent doctoral thesis study carried out by researcher of the UNIFESP and member of the group, analyzed the sustainable actions taken by the nursing staff of an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) during the medication process and proposed interventions to improve environmental sustainability in a large hospital located in São Paulo – Brazil. The article was published in full in the journal Acta Paulista de Enfermagem. Read More →