Monthly Archives: June 2020

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Mozambican women in science – a challenge and a story to be told

A network of knowledge circulation and exchange of experiences has been consolidated over the last few years between Brazilian and Mozambican academic feminists. We highlight a topic still little known in Brazil – women in science in Mozambique – interviewing three researchers who tell a little about this story. Read More →

Coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic is a specialist in infecting humans

ACE2 is the protein used by new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) to enter the host-cells. Our comparative analysis with 70 mammals revealed a relatively high diversity of ACE2 between these species, but no polymorphism within human populations, at least considering 30 sites located at the ACE2 binding sites to the SARS-CoV-2. SARS-CoV-2 can infect any human from any population, but it is unable to infect, naturally and easily, other mammals, including pets. Read More →

Will there be robot teachers?

Are we prepared for algorithms, facial recognition and surveillance at schools? This study discusses the teaching-learning model considering technological advances in the present and future, questioning the relationships in an intermittently surveilled world. The conclusion drawn is that teachers and students need to resignify their identities, which implies questioning ambivalent relationships that have always characterized them in the context of digital culture. Read More →

Pomegranate can be used as a natural preservative

Pomegranate has a high concentration of antioxidant compounds, with the possibility of using it as a preservative for meat and meat products. As an alternative to chemical compounds, a research was carried out using extract of the pomegranate peel in the conservation of the Tuscan type sausage. Read More →

Millet can be used as an economic alternative in cattle feed

Millet presents itself as an economically viable alternative to corn and sorghum, as a component of feed for cattle, under confinement. Researchers used the Monte Carlo simulation technique (economic risk analysis) to analyze the economic risks of this substitution. The results demonstrated a better economic viability when the level of substitution of corn grain for millet grain was total. Read More →

Impact beyond impact factor?

“In theory there is no difference between theory and practice – in practice, there is – Yogi Berra”. The Design Science and Design Science Research could contribute to reducing the apparent gap between theory and practice. All articles aim to bring theory and practice closer by producing scientific knowledge useful to society. Read More →

The color of soybean seeds influences its quality

The premature ripening of soybeans can produce greenish seeds, directly affecting the quality of the lots. Observing this, researchers from the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) and the University of Passo Fundo (UPF), evaluated the influence of the presence of green soybean seeds on the physiological quality of soybean seed lots. Read More →

What is the interference of communication technologies in politics?

Study provides explanations for some of the perplexities that democracies in the world are facing. The U.S.A., the UK, and Brazil, for instance, have opted for leaders (like Trump and Bolsonaro) or political movements (like Brexit) that deny established models of political debate, introduce new vocabularies in politics, and promise to emulate the voice of the “people”. Read More →

Trans/Form/Ação inaugurates new practices for the evaluation and review of manuscripts and knowledge democratization

Trans/Form/Ação: Philosophy journal of Unesp innovates by inaugurating the comments modality on articles approved for publication. Besides this activity, the journal increases already consolidated practices in order to guarantee the transparency and quality of reviews and approved texts, strengthening the free and universal democratization of knowledge, as “Open Science” advocated principles. Read More →

Innovative method measures chlorophyll content in millet leaves

Responsible for the green color of plants, chlorophyll is an essential indicator in monitoring plant nutrients during their growth. Traditional methods for measuring chlorophyll, in addition to taking a long time, damage the leaves. Alternatively, a model based on hyperspectral images was developed to detect the chlorophyll content in millet leaves. Read More →