Monthly Archives: July 2021

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β-scoliidine, present in Japanese solitary wasp venom, protects neuronal cells from oxidative stress

Solitary wasp venoms represent a rich source of molecules of pharmacological interest. Thus, to unravel the content of Scolia decorata ventralis venom, proteomic techniques were used, and two new peptides were determined as its major components, α-scoliidine and β-scoliidine. Interestingly, β-scoliidin was effective in protecting neuronal cells against oxidative stress. Read More →

Space conquest and the future of humanity

The Space Age resulted from the USA × USSR dispute following World War II. Currently, in addition to the dispute among nations, the world space scenario is marked by competition among different private agents, in a modality called NewSpace. For the present decade, 22,000 satellites are expected to be launched, twice the number of satellites launched since the Sputnik. The Space Age allowed for the monitoring of the deterioration of the planet´s health, putting at risk the future of life on Earth. Read More →

Spider venom neurotoxins from the Philippine tarantula: a new source for biomedical leads

When the words “venom” and “spider” are mentioned, most people shiver with fear and will go to any extent to avoid them. However, this is not the case with spider venom researchers in the Philippines as they explore the novel neuroactivities of the venom of this endemic, medium-sized theraphosid, Phlogiellus bundokalbo. Read More →