What would be more appropriate to overcome educational inequalities? An egalitarian treatment for all or a different approach to whom needs the most? It is argued that for Brazil to reach better educational results and a fairer social justice, public officials responsible for education policies should adopt a distinct look at pupils living in areas of higher social vulnerability. … Read More →
What history tells us about epidemics and the protection of schoolchildren
Studies address the affirmation of nature as a central point in the education, prevention of diseases and leisure of urban populations in the first decades of the twentieth century. The discussions allow us to reflect on the contradictions of outdoor life often being raised as a solution to the evils of urban-industrial society. … Read More →
Expanding boundaries of the education privatization
Through the analysis of extensive physical digitalized documents, researchers identified new dynamics of privatization of education in the largest public-school system in Brazil, showing that, between the years of 2015 and 2018, the governance of education in the State of São Paulo incorporated new actors and the boundaries between public and private sectors were blurred. … Read More →
Manuscrito explores the connection between language and reality
We use language to talk about all sorts of things. Species, particles, people, numbers, and so on. How do we do that? How exactly do linguistic expressions hook up with the world? These and other questions about the nature of reference in language are much discussed in the philosophical literature. … Read More →
What are the risks of violence that threaten the rights of the poorest children?
The study discusses at threatening children’s rights. The text identifies children’s daily lives under the threat of multifactorial violence, based on the statements of 301 interviewees, covering six programs that assist children, adolescents, and young people in highly vulnerable contexts, in four Latin American countries. … Read More →
What are the main trends in education privatisation in African countries?
The article aims to compare the differences and the common points in relation to education privatization in 24 African countries considered African fragile and conflict-affected states by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and receive financial support of this fund. The GPE is a relevant actor on the global education policy arena and directly influences national education policies. … Read More →
How Latinx immigrant and Muslim refugee engage in critical citizenship practices
The study examines how, during times of racial tension and conflict, Latinx immigrant and Muslim refugee members of an immigrant youth organization have challenged deficit-based narratives through collective action in a community-based educational space. … Read More →
Cultures of accountability in indigenous early childhood education in Mexico
The bureaucratization of Indigenous education in Mexico has reduced the opportunities for schools to teach Indigenous languages. Government initiatives that promote the revitalization of languages, have created policy fictions that position minoritized languages in never-ending accountability processes. For these languages to be strengthen, bureaucratic processes need to be reimagined. … Read More →
Constellations across borders: Brazilian children and families’ perspectives
How do families stay connected across national boundaries? In this article the author shows from the perspective of children and families how international ties and bonds stay alive even inside a classroom. A deep look into children’s narratives about their grandparents in Brazil reveals the longing that crosses borders. … Read More →
What anthropology contributes to the study of education
What is the anthropology of education, and what does it contribute to the study of education? Research about the anthropologies of education vary around the world; the categories used to orient the research and analysis are rooted in the researcher’s society and life experiences. The article introduces the thematic section “Anthropology of Education”. … Read More →
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