The integration of philosophy and dance reveals that bodily movement is a profound form of philosophical and emotional expression. By combining aesthetics and bodily knowledge, dance transcends the physical, offering new perspectives for self-exploration, education, and therapy, while enriching cultural and social appreciation. … Read More →
The relationship between religious philosophy and mysticism elements in Chinese folk dance
Exploring the rich religious philosophy and mysticism in Chinese folk dance, by using the example of the Shaanbei Ansai Waist Drum, we delve into how these dances reflect cultural traditions, spiritual beliefs, and ancient rituals, offering a profound understanding of human life, nature, and the universe. … Read More →
How Does Confucianism Influence Chinese Dance?
Delving into Chinese traditional agricultural ecological philosophy and the profound principles guiding Chinese agriculture for millennia, it showcases intensive planting, diversified management, and harmonious coexistence with nature for a sustainable future. This exploration will urge the integration of these philosophies into modern agricultural frameworks to benefit current and future generations. … Read More →
Stem cell-derived secretome reduces dermonecrosis caused by spider venom
By investigating the protective effects of secretome-derived mesenchymal stromal cells on dermonecrosis caused by Loxosceles intermedia venom in rabbits, it was observed that treated groups showed milder local effects and swelling compared to controls, which highlights the potential of stem cell-derived secretome for treating dermonecrotic lesions. … Read More →
Functional foods containing probiotics are innovative and offer health benefits
The dairy market faces a growing demand for new functional foods. In response, the use of lactic acid bacteria in fermented products is promising, as it provides various health benefits and offers a wide range of compounds. … Read More →
Editorial policies for inclusion and diversity in the Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença
The Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença has implemented important changes by adopting Open Science practices with a focus on IDEIA principles, being a pioneer in the area of Performing Arts in Brazil. Prior to this, the journal already followed similar principles, as evidenced by the thematic section “Performance and Ethnic-Racial Relations”, published in 2017. … Read More →
Metamorphosis, friction or symbiosis between body and animated forms in the work of Ilka Schönbein
The works of puppeteer and dancer Ilka Schönbein challenge perceptions of life and death, provoking reflections on eroticism and finitude. Her creations reveal a poetic singularity that provokes disquieting strangeness in the relationship between the human and the animate. … Read More →
Performing Arts research highlighted on the blog “SciELO in Perspective”
The Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença Special Week, taking place this week, will explore themes such as the notion of presence, methodological diversity, and social issues in Performing Arts research. The program includes analyses, discussions and a detailed overview of the journal’s social impact, highlighting its importance and activities within the scope of Open Science. … Read More →
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