Winds of change at the Alcantara launch center: study brings Brazilian Space Program another step ahead

The present article details an experiment using a scale model of the Launching Pad Area in a subsonic wind tunnel, using the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique to collect results in different wind flow incidence configurations. The results identify the peculiarities of the region’s typical wind action, and its effects on launch structures and operations on one of the world’s most strategically located space launching bases. Read More →

Is there aesthetic difference between the different orthodontic wires used with porcelain braces?

Study evaluated people’s opinion regarding the aesthetics of orthodontic wires when using porcelain braces. The results showed that the population perceives differences between the metallic wires and those covered by aesthetic materials, preferring the coated wires. Read More →

Thermal Control: How to get the best results from satellite radiator system optimization?

With the successful case of the Amazon-I satellite, Brazilian scientists demonstrate an innovative solution in optimizing satellite thermal control through design, revealing the importance of a multifocal approach when studying the development of radiator systems, as these are fundamental. for the correct functioning of the devices and accuracy of the transmitted data. Read More →

Scientist-tested methods enhance fiber properties

The capacity of dietary fibers to improve digestion and metabolism is directly linked to the physico-chemical properties of these elements, such as water retention capacity, oil binding and fiber cations. The research found that it is possible to improve the functional characteristics of the fibers, through methods such as micronisation and extrusion. Read More →

Study compares experimental and numerical results of a supercritical airfoil behaviour in compressible flow

Research presents a contribution to the demanding field of studies on hot wire anemometry of the unsteady wake of a supercritical airfoil, based on experimental tests made on an ultrasonic wind tunnel and compared with a numerical study results. Read More →

Can asymmetries in the smile be corrected with Orthodontics?

Tooth inclination resulting from occlusal plane canting may compromise smile esthetics and lead to functional problems. Skeletal anchorage, a new treatment technique, may be used to correct these asymmetries, previously only treated by means of procedures that are either more invasive surgically or more complex mechanically. Read More →

Is there an effective way to treat bacterial diseases in fish without resistance to antibiotics?

The expansion of aquaculture increasingly exposes fish to diseases such as aeromonose caused by the bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila. To treat this bacterial infection, researchers tested the antimicrobial activity of the essential oil extracted from the Lippia origanoides plant. Results were obtained by an in vivo assay with 120 fish. Read More →

Does exposure to air pollutants cause hospitalization for respiratory diseases?

Study aimed to identify an association between exposure to air pollutants (more specifically fine particulate matter) and hospitalizations for respiratory diseases in children aged up to 10 years. The researchers found an association between exposure to this material and an increased risk of hospitalization for girls, but not a significant one for boys. Read More →

A study highlights predictors of quality of life among individuals with chronic wounds

The study evaluated quality of life among individuals with chronic wounds who were followed-up at homecare setting managed by primary health care service and specialized outpatient service in the city of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil. Results showed that variables duration, etiology, wound extension, and aspects may cause negative impact on a patient’s lifestyle. Read More →

Diarrhea in young buffaloes caused by Escherichia coli may be associated with different toxins and pathotypes of bovine

Young buffalo can become infected and develop diarrhea by the action of Escherichia coli, same bacterial agent found in diarrheic bovine calves. However, other pathotypes and toxins appear to be present in these animals. This study found a large number of STEC, NTEC and EAST-1 toxin in E. coli strains isolated from feces of buffaloes, those associated with diarrheagenic E. coli. Read More →