Category: Human Sciences

School changed, now what?

School changes happen in the students’ lives. How do they deal with the challenges of leaving the known and facing the new? Accompanying children in the transition from elementary school, research revealed that students respond differently to school changes, according to the ecology of the schools of origin and destination. Read More →

Antisocial behavior have an impacting role in life of the children between 6 to 11 years

This study release the importance of the primary prevention and identification of the intervention priorities, focused, especially, on differences between sexes, contexts and population in children in preschool age, between six and eleven years, with antisocial behaviors. In this way, the prevention and intervention focus in an early age will provide the decrease of the delinquents and criminals behaviors in the future. Read More →

Discipline and motivation make difference for self-regulated learning

The study assesses learning strategies adoption by a sample of beginning college students, who formed four different self-regulated learning clusters. As conclusion, only highly regulated students cluster exhibited significantly higher scores for the achievement mastery motivational goal. Read More →

What is the satisfaction with life in long-living elderly from inter-generational domiciles?

The elderly population aged over 80 is the fastest-growing in Brazil and in the world. In the context of domiciles, the family role taken up by the elderly influences their humor and the preservation of functionality. To analyze this and other questions, the study investigated if the living arrangements (living alone, with one or two generations, or three generations) are associated with functional performance variables, satisfaction with life, humor, and social support in long-living elderly residing in the Federal District. Read More →

From “white slavery” to freedom of circulation: the transformations of the emigration concept in Portugal

With a direct approach, the article introduces us the debate on the emigration of Portuguese subjects to Brazil that existed in nineteenth century Portugal. The author challenges traditional approaches on the topic, contesting the idea that the interests of the Portuguese State were directly aligned with those of the agrarian elites. Read More →

Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

In contemporary society, people are confronted with events that threaten social order, such as terrorist attacks, wars and economic crises. Such events have been giving rise to conspiracy theories, which can be defined as explanatory beliefs used to understand the actions of groups or organizations that unite in a secret agreement and try to reach a hidden goal, which is perceived as illegal or malicious. Read More →

What professors and students think about stimulating creativity in graduate education?

The goals of graduate education are to generate creative researchers and to produce knowledge that offers original contributions because the society relies on innovative ideas to survive and move forward. The study investigated what professors and students think about the extent to which creativity has been stimulated and developed in graduate educati Read More →

Can schizophrenia be prevented?

Schizophrenia is one of the most severe and disabling mental disorders and its effective treatment remains challenging. Patients often present devastating impacts in their quality of life and the disorder diagnosis commonly evokes a corrosive pessimism even among health professionals. The article reviews the history of the debates around this possible prevention. Read More →

Agency and Rationality as Objects of Philosophical Enquiry

MANUSCRITO brings a new selection of essays dedicated to questions about rationality and agency collecting contributions by some of the most important contemporary philosophers in the field. Many of them were first presented at a conference on the same topics held at the Center for Logic and Epistemology (CLE) of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in June 2018. Read More →

How does protein malnutrition influence the formation of collagen in wound healing?

This study investigated comparatively the tissue changes related to inflammation and collagen formation in cutaneous healing in nourished and malnourished rats and observed that malnutrition had a negative impact both quantitative and qualitative, in the animals. The study suggests the importance of an adequate nutritional pattern to achieve a better wound healing. Read More →