Category: Press Releases

Does exposure to air pollutants cause hospitalization for respiratory diseases?

Study aimed to identify an association between exposure to air pollutants (more specifically fine particulate matter) and hospitalizations for respiratory diseases in children aged up to 10 years. The researchers found an association between exposure to this material and an increased risk of hospitalization for girls, but not a significant one for boys. Read More →

A study highlights predictors of quality of life among individuals with chronic wounds

The study evaluated quality of life among individuals with chronic wounds who were followed-up at homecare setting managed by primary health care service and specialized outpatient service in the city of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil. Results showed that variables duration, etiology, wound extension, and aspects may cause negative impact on a patient’s lifestyle. Read More →

Diarrhea in young buffaloes caused by Escherichia coli may be associated with different toxins and pathotypes of bovine

Young buffalo can become infected and develop diarrhea by the action of Escherichia coli, same bacterial agent found in diarrheic bovine calves. However, other pathotypes and toxins appear to be present in these animals. This study found a large number of STEC, NTEC and EAST-1 toxin in E. coli strains isolated from feces of buffaloes, those associated with diarrheagenic E. coli. Read More →

What is the risk of exposure to toxic compounds when consuming sparkling wines?

Compounds with toxic potential, such as the carbonyls and furfuryl alcohol, can be found in sparkling wines due to environmental contamination of the grapes or chemical reactions during the winemaking process. In this study, researchers evaluated the amount of these compounds in sparkling wines and the risk that their consumption presents to health. Read More →

Lightning strikes and ice accumulation: The use of conductive composite materials in challenging aviation solutions in review

An updated look through published studies that show the advantages brought by conductive nanostructures in effective solutions for on flight lightning current dispersion and surface deicing, minimizing the risk of accidents while improving flight efficiency through a low-weight, lower cost and lower maintenance system than others currently applied to aviation. Read More →

What is the behavior of hypocotyl of soybean cultivars over several planting seasons?

In soybean culture, the length of the hypocotyl is one of the factors that evidences the genetic variability of these cultivars. This study evaluated the length of the hypocotyl of soybean crop over several planting seasons, identifying cultivars of predictable and stable behavior in relation to this factor. Read More →

Ventilator-associated pneumonia: how to prevent?

Ventilator-associated pneumonia consists of a severe problem related with health care. To adopt measures for prevention of this condition is extremely important for patients’ safety. This study was conducted at Federal University of Sao Paulo. The objective of the study was to evaluate health professionals’ adherence to specific preventive measures for pneumonia. Read More →

What is the need to perform caudectomy procedures in sheep?

Although there is growing concern about animal welfare, procedures that cause pain and suffering in animals are still frequently performed by farmers, such as tail docking in sheep. This research collected the opinion of sheep breeders on tail docking to study the real need for this practice. Read More →

Food and Nutrition Policies from Lula to Temer: from strengthening to weakening in times of institutional ruptures

A study analyzed the public policies of food and nutrition in Brazil between the Lula and Temer governments, through bibliographical and documentary research. The findings evidenced an expansion and qualification of these public policies, mainly in the Lula and Dilma governments, with setbacks in the Temer government. Read More →

Seed and peel of umbu fruit have nutrients and compounds with bioactive potential

Native fruit of the Brazilian caatinga, the Umbu has a great socioeconomic importance for family farmers and microenterprises of the producing region. It has been transformed into different products like jellies, sweets, pulps and juices. Researchers performed an X-ray of the fruit and observed that it contains nutrients and compounds with bioactive potential in its seed and peel as well as their edible part. Read More →