Category: Video

Discipline and motivation make difference for self-regulated learning

The study assesses learning strategies adoption by a sample of beginning college students, who formed four different self-regulated learning clusters. As conclusion, only highly regulated students cluster exhibited significantly higher scores for the achievement mastery motivational goal. Read More →

What is the satisfaction with life in long-living elderly from inter-generational domiciles?

The elderly population aged over 80 is the fastest-growing in Brazil and in the world. In the context of domiciles, the family role taken up by the elderly influences their humor and the preservation of functionality. To analyze this and other questions, the study investigated if the living arrangements (living alone, with one or two generations, or three generations) are associated with functional performance variables, satisfaction with life, humor, and social support in long-living elderly residing in the Federal District. Read More →

Decolonial research methodologies on scenic arts

What search methodologies for which objects? The central issue of this article is to know, based on the idea that the methodologies we have come from a colonial matrix, how to create decolonial methodologies for non-colonial objects. How performance gets into this equation? Read More →

Dance, performance and gender

Gender is a fundamental category in art research in the contemporary world. In the same way, it is a founding element of decolonial concerns. This research will question the gender category within the performance and its crossings as an element for the deconstruction of a colonial thought. Read More →

Decolonize the curricula in scene arts

The study challenges the dance and performance curriculum in higher education. Is the curriculum a colonizer? What can a decolonial curriculum do? How to deconstruct the curriculum in arts? These are the issues discussed in the study. Read More →

The Decolonial in art research in Brazil

The discussion presented by the Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies (v.8, n.4) represents a considerable advance for the field in Brazil and abroad. The decolonial approach in research is an emerging perspective and the articles presented speak, among other things, about new methodologies, criticisms of colonial obstacles and performance analysis. Read More →

Decoloniality is the topic of the Special Week of the Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies at the SciELO in Perspective Blog | Humanities

From October 22 to 26, 2018, the Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies will participate at the SciELO Blog Special Week. During this period, the reader will be able to better understand the scope of the journal and follow the studies published in number 4, 2018 that addresses the relations between the field of Performance and the Decolonial perspectives in research. Read More →