Discipline and motivation make difference for self-regulated learning

The study assesses learning strategies adoption by a sample of beginning college students, who formed four different self-regulated learning clusters. As conclusion, only highly regulated students cluster exhibited significantly higher scores for the achievement mastery motivational goal. Read More →

What is the satisfaction with life in long-living elderly from inter-generational domiciles?

The elderly population aged over 80 is the fastest-growing in Brazil and in the world. In the context of domiciles, the family role taken up by the elderly influences their humor and the preservation of functionality. To analyze this and other questions, the study investigated if the living arrangements (living alone, with one or two generations, or three generations) are associated with functional performance variables, satisfaction with life, humor, and social support in long-living elderly residing in the Federal District. Read More →

Seven steps to evaluate usability through eye movement tracking with eye tracking technology

The research presents a set of seven steps as a procedure for evaluating the usability of digital informational environments by using eye tracking technology. Twenty-seven metrics provided by the technology are identified, and relevant usability aspects for the analysis of efficiency and effectiveness are associated with each one. Read More →

Therapeutic toy helps children coping with fear and venous puncture-related pain

This study proposed the use of the therapeutic toy for hospitalized children undergoing venous puncture, and confirmed that this is a valuable resource for children to cope with pain and fear in medical procedures that often generate stress and suffering. Read More →

Did you know it is possible to determine the soil quality through infrared?

Infrared methods are often used in science. To determine the quality of soil fertilization, clay and soil organic matter (MOS) are essential components. For the analysis of these components, the use of the analytical technique of near infrared spectroscopy (Near Infrared Spectroscopy – NIRS) presents a sustainable alternative. Read More →

Did you know that insects are potential alternative sources of protein for humans?

Parallel to the growth of the world population is growing the concern about the social and economic livelihoods of more than seven billion inhabitants. Insect consumption as a protein alternative for humans was the subject of a study which mapped the dietary profile of Brazilians in relation to edible insects. Read More →

Environment design criteria: boosting efficiency and minimizing risks and costs in launch vehicle development

The influence of the Natural Environment is a factor that affects all phases of launch vehicle/aircraft design, development and operation. Factors such as wind, turbulence, temperature extremes, atmospheric density, ionizing radiation, meteors, space debris, plasma and events related to solar activity, among other environmental phenomena, represent constraints and specific requirements that must be taken into account from the beginning of the project development program for a launch vehicle, so that it presents maximum efficiency in fulfilling its mission. The application of environmental design criteria aims to minimize risks, reduce costs and obtain the best possible vehicle performance. Read More →

How can Brazilian scholars say something that would be of interest globally and have an impact on the work done in the global North?

Brazilian researchers have been encouraged to internationalize their research, but how should the researcher from the global South deal with context in the international dialogue to avoid being perceived as the exotic Other? In its third issue, BAR brings an interview related to the challenge of publishing research from a global perspective. Read More →

From “white slavery” to freedom of circulation: the transformations of the emigration concept in Portugal

With a direct approach, the article introduces us the debate on the emigration of Portuguese subjects to Brazil that existed in nineteenth century Portugal. The author challenges traditional approaches on the topic, contesting the idea that the interests of the Portuguese State were directly aligned with those of the agrarian elites. Read More →

How to preserve the health of farm tractor operators?

The vibration produced by tractor operation has negative effects on the health of the operators of these agricultural machines. To evaluate the transmissibility of vibrations, a research presents an innovative method that allows to observe the influence of tractor-coupled agricultural equipment on the operator’s whole body vibrations. Read More →