Monthly Archives: October 2022

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Children and the use of social media in the fight against COVID-19: Is it possible to talk about child activism?

Photo with color effect. A child looks into the camera, the image is up to her shoulders. The face is yellow, with well-defined shadows. Long, straight hair tied up in two braids. Hair, neck and shoulders are in a light blue tone, with dark shadows and white lighting. Around her, blue streaks that become darker as she moves away.

The presence of children in social media has been the subject of several researches and also of concern of parents and specialists about the risks related to this practice. For this reason, a new possibility for understanding this phenomenon is presented, called children’s digital activism, with a focus on coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More →

InsulinAPP application is effective and safe for the management of hyperglycemia on a hospitalist-managed ward

Imagem retangular na horizontal. Uma mão segurando um celular e a outra mão apontando para a tela. Na tela do celular um gradiente azul. No fundo círculos brancos e linhas tracejadas coloridas (azul, verde, amarelo, laranja, vermelho).

This retrospective study assessed metrics related to inpatient glycemic control using InsulinAPP, an application available for free in Brazil, on the hospitalist-managed ward of a local institution. The results indicated that the InsulinAPP using human insulin formulations was effective and safe for the management of hyperglycemia in this setting. Read More →

Substance present in turmeric may be a new therapeutic option in the treatment of ulcerative colitis

In an evaluation of the colon tissue of rats with induced ulcerative colitis, the use of curcumin, a substance present in turmeric, contributed to the reduction of the inflammatory process. The results reveal an optimistic outlook for the application of curcumin and its potential as a pharmaceutical product. Read More →