Category: Applied Social Sciences

Have you accessed Deep or Dark Web today?

Deep and Dark Web are discussed concerning the meaning of their terms, definition, location in cyberspace and types of content and ways to access them. However, it is necessary to understand that despite having similarities, they are distinct webs. Read More →

Impact beyond impact factor?

“In theory there is no difference between theory and practice – in practice, there is – Yogi Berra”. The Design Science and Design Science Research could contribute to reducing the apparent gap between theory and practice. All articles aim to bring theory and practice closer by producing scientific knowledge useful to society. Read More →

Scientific production in the study of user experience in education: case Web of Science and Scopus

Study analyzes the evolution and general features in scientific production disclosed in Web of Science and Scopus, related to the study of user experience in education through bibliometric indicators. Main results show that more than 80% of the scientific production has been produced in the last five years, under the authorship, academic institutions and publishers from the United States. Read More →

Seven steps to evaluate usability through eye movement tracking with eye tracking technology

The research presents a set of seven steps as a procedure for evaluating the usability of digital informational environments by using eye tracking technology. Twenty-seven metrics provided by the technology are identified, and relevant usability aspects for the analysis of efficiency and effectiveness are associated with each one. Read More →

How can Brazilian scholars say something that would be of interest globally and have an impact on the work done in the global North?

Brazilian researchers have been encouraged to internationalize their research, but how should the researcher from the global South deal with context in the international dialogue to avoid being perceived as the exotic Other? In its third issue, BAR brings an interview related to the challenge of publishing research from a global perspective. Read More →

University library (dis)building strategies for the inclusion of users with special needs

The study aimed to diagnose inclusive practices in Brazilian and Portuguese university libraries, particularly regarding the role of an accessible campus in the inclusion of users with special needs. Through online questionnaire applied to the directors, the conclusion is that the libraries have no accessible infrastructure to promote the inclusion of these users. Read More →

The experience of libraries with metadata can help in the management of companies

Metadata are usual elements for libraries, to catalog your collection and to data processing, so as to structure systems and websites. But it can also be used by enterprises to manage business information. Those are called business metadata, and it’s the subject a paper part of a PhD research in Information Science in Unesp. Read More →

Co-word analysis applied to highly cited papers in Library and Information Science (2007-2017)

The conceptual structure in the category Library Science and Information Science of Web of Science, in the period 2007-2017, is identified, using the analytical tool Essential Science Indicators (ESI). Based on highly cited papers, the methodology consisted in the application of co-words analysis and multivariate analysis techniques and visualization through science mapping. Read More →

The organization of the knowledge of humanity is fundamental for the survival of Society

We study the theoretical intersections between foundational authors on classification and indexing that helped developing the theoretical-methodological framework of knowledge organization. We highlight and analyze the theoretical convergences of Harris, Dewey, Cutter, Otlet, Kaiser, and Ranganathan to clarify the historical and theoretical contributions to the epistemological foundations of knowledge organization. Read More →

Methodology for development of “in-house indicators” for scholarly journals in consolidation

Adherence to quality criteria required by indexing agencies is an essential condition for managers in order to achieve performance success of scientific journals under their responsibility. In a recent study researchers verified and tested “household indicators” for journals still under consolidation, based on data sources under the grasp or domain of such managers. Read More →