Category: Applied Social Sciences

Currency wars remain beyond the analytical reach of legal scholars in the age of globalization

“Currency wars”, which have dominated the media and the international political debate over the last few years, must be understood from a broad analytical framework, according to a study examining the so-called “war of 2010-2013” and other relevant aspects of the impacts over monetary policy. Read More →

The emergence of the alternative metric that can make the measurement of world academic production more fair and egalitarian

The growing use of social networks for various purposes, including the dissemination of scientific communication, has required the creation of a new method of measuring and analyzing the flow of information in these environments. Altmetria emerged as a subarea of Metrics Information Studies to meet this need, and can complement traditional methods of evaluation, thus making it more fair and egalitarian. Read More →

Study proposes fruition as a new attribute of information representation for works of contemporary art

It discusses information and art starting from the books of artists, from the collection of the Núcleo de Arte Contemporânea da Paraíba (NAC/UFPB), analyzing the performance of CI through the representation of information, in a collaborative working relationship between professionals. The representation of information could help in the treatment and organization of information, softening the complexity of these objects in the face of their possibilities of abstraction and fruition. Read More →

Research analyzes use of TRS in organizational studies

Bibliometric research analyzes the use of Social Representation Theory (SRT) in Organizational Studies (OS). We investigated 90 papers published in journals and scientific events from 2001 to 2014. The results indicate that the use of SRT in OS is incipient, superficial and presents theoretical and methodological inconsistencies. Read More →

Why entrepreneurs need firms, and the theory of the firm needs entrepreneurship theory

A study, published in the ThinkBox section of the Revista de Administração – RAUSP, discuss the reason why the research literature on entrepreneurship and the theory of the firm developed mostly independently although firms are established by entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurship is typically embodied within a firm. Read More →