A traffic educational program for children can help prevent accidents?

A study evaluated the knowledge, attitudes, and preventive practices regarding traffic accidents among children from two public schools in Northeastern Brazil, before and after an educational program created in partnership with a school in Coimbra, Portugal. The educative intervention increased the level of knowledge and maintained the attitudes and preventive practices related to traffic accidents stable among 3rd and 5th grade students. Read More →

Excess body weight and adolescence: what factors are involved?

What are the factors that contribute for excess body weight in adolescents? This study included 635 adolescents from public state schools. The investigation was carried out by researchers from the Universidade Estadual de Monte Claros. Results were quite uncommon considering those often found in studies about excess body weight in adolescents. Read More →

Can image processing assist in determining seed vigor?

Research examines the feasibility of digital image processing in determining seed vigor through the method of analyzing plant biophysical characteristics. The results show that the determination of leaf length and seedling area obtained by digital image processing is effective to evaluate the vigor of rice seeds. Read More →

How can the bioactive physalis compound help in cancer treatment?

Study tested the toxicity of Goldenberry extract by in vivo and in vitro assays. The compound showed toxicity in mammary tumor cells. The work serves as a starting point for further research in the treatment of cancer involving natural compounds, as the formulation associated with Physalis extract showed toxicity against this cell type. Read More →

Does facial skeletal asymmetries have the same components in Class I, II, and III individuals?

The term facial asymmetry is used when there is an imbalance regarding the homologous parts of the dentofacial complex, affecting the proportion between the structures. This study highlights how symmetry significantly influences facial appearance and analyzes different patient groups showing different intensities of asymmetry. Read More →

Malocclusion, bullying and oral health-related quality of life: are they associated?

This study investigated the presence of malocclusion and bullying and the effect of these factors in oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of Brazilian adolescents. As result, bullying and previous orthodontic treatment had a statistically significant association with OHRQoL, demonstrating the psychosocial importance of orthodontic treatment. Read More →

Parenteral nutrition administered by familial caregivers at home: Is it possible?

This study aimed to present the experience of training familial caregivers how to use parenteral nutrition at home for children and adolescents participating in a multi-professional intestinal rehabilitation program at a university hospital. The project concluded that such a practice is feasible in the public health system in Brazil. Read More →

What it if rains? Research advances in weather forecasting during launching missions of the Brazilian Space Program

Study characterizes the precipitation events that can occur during the dry quarter in the region of the Alcantara Launch Center. Data collected over 37 years was used to confirm their average features and obtain the large-scale organization of the convective activity during higher precipitation events. The results presented could be helpful for short-term weather forecasting during launching missions. Read More →

Can Dachshund dogs develop retrobulbar meningioma?

A study of a female Dachshund breed with altered neurological signs resulted in a diagnosis of multifocal lesion. At necropsy, it was found to be a rare tumor in the retrobulbar region, affecting only 3% of dogs. The research draws attention to the importance of including this possibility of pathology during diagnosis. Read More →

What are the challenges to prevent suicide among Brazilian children and adolescents?

Scientific evidences have pointed out for the increase of suicides among children and adolescents worldwide, including Brazil. This study presents risk factors related with this phenomenon, as well as reflections that can indicate pathways to support suicide preventions among this specific population. Read More →