Due to the covid-19 pandemic, collectives contributed to maintaining the life of the peripheric population. The performance of women and their relationship with children allowed us to think about the possible construction of a collective pedagogy that approaches the Common, a principle based on collaboration and self-management, opposing hierarchies and patriarchy. … Read More →
No to the militarization of management in public school
The Nacional Program of Civic-Military Schools implemented by the Bolsonaro government in 2019, prescribes an authoritarian proposal for education and threatens our democracy. This study analyzed the conservative demands articulated in this Program and the reasons why the molds of the military schools have been praised as a solution to educational problems. … Read More →
Children and the use of social media in the fight against COVID-19: Is it possible to talk about child activism?
The presence of children in social media has been the subject of several researches and also of concern of parents and specialists about the risks related to this practice. For this reason, a new possibility for understanding this phenomenon is presented, called children’s digital activism, with a focus on coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. … Read More →
Is today’s “today” tomorrow’s “yesterday”? On the cognitive significance of thought and discourse about the self, time and space
This special issue is dedicated to Vojislav Božičković’s recently published monograph The Indexical Point of View and contains five critical notices written by experts and the author’s responses. It will surely be of interest to all those keen to know more about recent philosophical debates on self-knowledge, indexical belief and the intersubjectivity of thought. … Read More →
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and a psychodramatic experience
When we discuss Autism Spectrum Disorder, it’s necessary to understand the uniqueness of each individual and apply therapies that best meet the needs of each one. Therefore, this research addresses a psychodramatic-based clinical case with a child within ASD and shows the importance of dialogue on the subject to reach better development conditions, and advances in the production of knowledge in the area. … Read More →
Perception of professors regarding the transition to emergency remote teaching in a large public university in Mexico during the pandemic
We present the results of a follow up questionnaire to a non-random sample of 513 teachers from the largest public university in Mexico. The purpose was to delve on issues identified in a questionnaire applied at the start of the pandemic, to identify and describe the opinions, experiences, characteristics and conditions in which higher education teachers transitioned to remote teaching. … Read More →
Time use and food insecurity in female-headed households in Brazil
Food insecurity is mostly observed in female headed households in Brazil. Based on the assumptions of the feminization of poverty and in light of Feminist Economics theory, it is observed that households headed by women tend to be in a greater situation of vulnerability, although they allocate food resources better. … Read More →
The lack of solidarity and human helplessness in the perverse neoliberal logic
It is supported by the philosophy of education and psychoanalysis the hypothesis that neoliberal rationality needs somebody’s deletion to carry out its perverse project and install a system of relationships based on indifference. As a counterpoint, Freud’s ethics is demanded, and supported by the other’s inclusion, a central experience in human development. … Read More →
Online psychodrama: a new stage for post-pandemic challenges
How the multidimensionality provided by the virtual environment expands the horizons of psychodrama by overcoming the physical barriers of the “here and now”, allowing the reality of each individual acting on the digital stage to interfere in the protagonist’s work in a beneficial way, opening space to deepen the therapeutic experience. … Read More →
LATCH tool in care planning for breastfeeding women
The LATCH assessment tool helps the health team to measure the difficulties with the breastfeeding technique during hospitalization. While following 162 mother-child on exclusive breastfeeding, we sought to analyze women’s difficulties related to the breastfeeding technique by using the LATCH charting system during maternity stay. … Read More →
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