Urban desegregation and social inclusion in Spain. The big challenge.

The article “Analysis of the desegregation and social inclusion policies in the Spanish context” published in the journal Revista de Administração Pública (Vol. 52, n. 1, 2018), aimed at the studying the extent to which new slum clearance policies foster favourable attitudes towards social inclusion of the displaced persons, who are mostly Roma in the case of Spain. Read More →

What is the relationship between milk and sugar-sweetened beverages intake and body mass index of adolescents?

Research with references from medical literature related to the consumption of non-alcoholic sugar-sweetened beverages and milk as associated with body mass index in adolescents showed no consensus between the 30 studies evaluated and a lack of national articles on the subject. Read More →

Which region of the TMJ disc we find the highest concentration of stresses when a orthopedic chin cup is installed?

The orthopedic chin cup is described in the literature since the beginning of the 19th century as an apparatus capable of inhibiting mandibular growth in young prognathic patients. This study carried out by means of computer simulation, allows clinical orthodontists to know the stresses of tension and comprehension induced in the TMJ disc by this therapy. Read More →

Issues in Epistemology, old and new

This thematic issue of MANUSCRITO (Vol. 40, No. 4), guest-edited by Rodrigo Borges, brings together both Brazilian and international scholars to discuss contemporary issues in Epistemology. Topics range from the classic problems of the analysis of knowledge and skepticism to more recent issues in the theory of information. Read More →

What is the level of scientific evidence on Delta hepatitis in Brazil?

Cases of hepatitis Delta are frequently registered in Brazil, mainly in the Amazon region, where the infection is related to deaths from fulminant hepatitis and severe outcomes, such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The disease has few treatment options, requiring continuous efforts from the scientific community to formulate new alternatives. Read More →

AquaCrop model is efficient in simulation of soybean yield in the Matopiba region, in Brazil

Is there an efficient model capable of estimating the yield of soybean cultivars in a particular growing region? Based on this question, researchers from the Federal University of Campina Grande, the Federal University of Tocantins and the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, tested the use of the AquaCrop model to simulate the productivity of soybean cultivar TMG 1288 RR in the Matopiba region, confirming its efficiency. Read More →

Mobile technology application facilitates data collection for health professionals

Study developed a mobile technology application to collect data from health professionals in the Family Health Strategy Program to investigate the time and movement/mobility involved in performing care interventions/activities. The application potentialized data collection, facilitating the stages of data registration and storage, maintenance of information integrity, data transmission and storage, information organization and processing, and a greater security in the analysis of results. Read More →

Research tests concentration of toxic metals in commercial yerba mate in the southern Brazilian states

The Yerba mate commercialized in the Brazilian states of Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Santa Catarina has a high concentration of cadmium metal, exceeding the limit established by the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA). Even so, when used in hot infusions, yerba mate exhibits low concentrations of toxic metals such as arsenic, cadmium and lead. Read More →

On impact factor and language of publication

Is there a direct relationship in Brazil between a language of publication and the impact factor on Spell electronic library? The editor-in-chief of BAR – Brazilian Administration, Prof. Salomão Farias, makes a few reflections about this and invites you all to check BAR’s third edition – Volume 14, number 3, 2017. Read More →

Role and parental involvement in the Portuguese secondary school: Challenges and changes

Parents’ role and their involvement in children’s education changes during adolescence and parents consider that establishing rules, monitoring, and parental support are the most challenging roles in adolescent education. Read More →