Study predicts performance of materials that reduce electromagnetic interference in electronic devices

Research indicates materials that attenuate electromagnetic interference in electronic devices and might be applied in its manufacture. The results were published by the research team from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) and Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia (ICT) da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), in the Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management. Read More →

What is the prevalence of internet addiction among Brazilian adolescents?

It was observed that 24% and 10% of the students studying at public and private schools, respectively, met criteria for Internet dependence. Additionally 82% of the students attending private schools stated their parents do not set any limits to the use of the Internet. Among those from public schools, this number was 60%. Read More →

Research tests ideal temperature for encapsulation of probiotics

The air inlet temperature of 130°C in the spray dryer provided greater encapsulation efficiency of the microparticles Lactobacillus acidophillus La-5 and Bifidobacterium Bb-12. In addition, this temperature also made the physicochemical characteristics more desirable in these particles, such as low water activity and humidity, which ensure better microbiological stability. Read More →

Does sleep quality help adolescents absorb material covered at school?

A study about the association between the perception of sleep quality and absorbing material addressed in the classroom showed that the adolescents who reported having slept poorly were more likely to have difficulty absorbing the subjects addressed at school, regardless of gender, age, time of day at school, study time outside the classroom, and the amount of hours slept. Read More →

Research studies effects of grazing methods on the composition of the forage mass of a grassland

What changes in composition present the vegetation and forage mass of the remaining native areas of the Brazilian Pampa biome during winter? This question mobilized researchers from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), in Santa Maria, Brazil, to conduct a study on the effects of grazing methods on the composition of the forage mass of a natural pasture in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. Read More →

Review brings together key topics on blackleg in cattle

What are the main virulence factors of the agent of symptomatic carbuncle in cattle Clostridium chauvoei? How is the circulation of this pathogen? What are the main measures of disease control? Trying to answer these questions, researchers from the Federal University of Santa Maria, in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, conducted a literature review on the main topics about symptomatic carbuncle in cattle. Read More →

How can a phone call reduce anxiety levels in cancer patients?

The study evaluated the efficacy of a phone call intervention conducted by a nurse to reduce the anxiety levels of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment. The results proved the decrease of anxiety levels after the phone calls (p<0.027) in patients from the intervention group. Read More →

The radicality of helplessness for refugee mothers

The challenge faced by researchers in the development of a model for psychological care to African mothers who have recently taken refuge in Brazil exposed not only the need for professional training of the staff but also the lack of hospitality provided by the Brazilian women in an institutional shelter for mothers under social vulnerability conditions. Read More →

Membranes can be used to recover whey proteins?

With this study it was possible to recover 80% whey proteins using membrane of 10 kDa. These proteins showed good protein solubility, emulsion stability, and most were identified as β-lactoglobulin (18.3kDa) and α-lactalbumin (14.2kDa). Therefore, the use of membranes is an alternative to recover whey proteins in the industrial process. Read More →

Study genotypes southwestern Chinese wheat varieties

Through the genotyping of 138 samples, researchers mapped two groups of wheat varieties from southwestern China. Group I presented non-T6VS/6A1 lines from different origins, while group II presented T6VS/6A1 lines, most of which originated from Guizhou, China. The study, conducted by researchers at the Suranaree University of Technology in Thailand and the Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences in China. Read More →