Category: Press Releases

Web platform can revolutionize the essay correction process

Promotional image of CRIA (artificial intelligence essay grader), showing the tool's logo, details about its features, and social media contacts, all on a purple background.

In search of an alternative to the laborious process of correcting essays, more specifically regarding identifying deviations from the theme in essays, researchers have developed a text feedback platform that simulates the National High School Examination (Exame Nacional do Ensio Médio, ENEM) guidelines and grades, the Corrector of Essays by Artificial Intelligence (Corretor de Redações por Inteligência Artificial, CRIA). The tool is already being used by students and education professionals. Read More →

How do young people experience the democratization of access to higher education?

Map illustrating the Federal District, highlighting the areas where the young interviewees lived. These are 12 administrative regions of the capital, one of the most unequal cities in the country.

Educational expansion, marked by the tension between meritocracy and pragmatism in access to higher education, confronts the aspirations and realities of young people, especially those from working class backgrounds, amid the erosion of traditional notions of career and stability. While some seek any degree as a means of social mobility, others aim for specific careers, trying to adapt in the face of obstacles. Read More →

Pedagogical practices for student retention

Man with short brown hair, wearing rectangular-framed glasses, black suit, and tie, presenting a seminar in a conference room. In the background, a screen displays a slideshow with the text "Active Methodologies in the Classroom".

Professional education has been undergoing transformations, so schools are challenged to re-signify the way they maintain a link with society. Student dropout is one of the major problems faced, and pedagogical practices are aimed at getting students more involved with the institution. Read More →

Collective constructions: open peer review of an article on indigenous literature

Photograph of an indigenous man seen from behind, gazing at the horizon. He is wearing a feather headdress and various adornments on his body. He stands beside a small lake in an open field with diverse vegetation. The sky above is clear and blue.

Open peer review is critical to ensuring the integrity and quality of academic research, enabling greater transparency and collaboration. According to the researchers, the dialogical process between authors and reviewers and the resulting knowledge exchange guaranteed a significant improvement of the research. Read More →

Contributions of Educação em Revista for the advance of Open Science in Brazil

Illustration of various individuals providing feedback through different electronic devices, centered around a large smartphone screen displaying ratings and comments.

Since 2021, Educação em Revista has been committed to Open Science. Celebrating its 39th anniversary in 2024, the journal begins the Special Week on the SciELO in Perspective blog | Humanities, bringing discussions about its experience on adopting Open Peer Review and new perspectives towards a more transparent and collaborative science. Read More →

Parasitic infections in rats and mice used in experimentation in Brazil concern scientists

Photograph showing a newborn hairless mouse pup lying on two hands protected by white latex gloves

Rats and mice are extensively used in teaching and research, yet their sanitary condition is neglected in Brazil, resulting in parasitosis in the country’s vivariums. To ensure the quality of scientific research, it is crucial to implement stricter protocols regarding the sanitary condition of laboratory animal Read More →

Heterologous Fibrin Biopolymer is an innovative and entirely Brazilian product with potential for aiding neuromuscular junction regeneration

Diagram illustrating the repair of nerve injury using HFB therapy, with a depiction of a nerve, rats, a syringe, and text explaining benefits.

Nerve injuries lead to the disruption of neuromuscular junctions impairing motor function. Currently, satisfactory recovery after injuries remains a medical challenge. The heterologous fibrin biopolymer, a Brazilian product created from rattlesnake venom and buffalo blood, has demonstrated its ability to create a protective microenvironment enhancing regeneration in these treatments. Read More →

Statistical analysis of family farming production commercialization

Illustration of a farmers' market network, showing various people involved in agriculture and purchasing products, connected by arrows over a checkered background in cream and green colors.

The commercialization of production from family farming guarantees the livelihood of rural families. By analyzing 129 fruit and vegetable producers in the Central Region of Rio Grande do Sul, it was observed that fruit and vegetable farmers are selling especially in local markets, highlighting the importance of the territory for production and consumption relations. Read More →

The impact of using tannin extract in cattle and sheep diet

Several cows grazing on a vast grassy field.

During the rearing of dairy cattle and sheep, the diets managed impact the composition of the milk produced, especially regarding fatty acids. Researchers evaluated the use of a condensed tannin in the fat profile of the milk of these animals and concluded that black acacia extract improves the nutritional quality of sheep’s milk, with no adverse impact on cattle. Read More →

Smartphones can help in determining the characteristics of essential oils

Various brown glass bottles containing essential oils, each with distinct colored labels, on a marble surface.

A new method uses smartphones to detect color changes resulting from a reaction with the main component of clove essential oil, eugenol. This approach promotes affordable and fast quality control, which is particularly beneficial for small-scale producers. Read More →