About the darkness of science or where do the negative results of the research go?

As a continuation of a series of studies about the unclarity of part of science, research on this theme has been conducted since 2020 to address the developments of e-science, open science, research data management and related issues. A study conducted through an exploratory survey in the scarce literature on the topic investigates the phenomenon of negative results by analyzing the incorporation of these data in the academic publication cycle. Read More →

The heritage of political passions in the families of former union militants

This research deals with the political affections in the family of former union militants from ABC Paulista and the corresponding resonance in the forms of political engagement of their sons. Through biographical interviews, this study shows how the constitution of political feelings unfold in the context of private socialization. Read More →

What causes a longer stay in the hospital for elderly with epilepsy?

Epilepsy in the elderly is quite prevalent and can bring serious complications to hospitalized patients. But what factors can predict which of these patients will remain in the hospital for a longer time and thus increase mortality and hospitalization costs? Read More →

One hundred years maintaining snakes for antivenom serum production at Butantan Institute

Maintenance of snakes at Butantan Institute has started in the last century, intending to produce an antivenom serum to reduce deaths caused by snakebites. Based on records from the Laboratory of Herpetology of the institute, the maintenance of snakes for venom production is described. The study shows how changes carried out in captive husbandry affected the welfare of animals and the quantity of venom produced. Read More →

How to overcome educational inequalities in Brazil: equality or equity?

What would be more appropriate to overcome educational inequalities? An egalitarian treatment for all or a different approach to whom needs the most? It is argued that for Brazil to reach better educational results and a fairer social justice, public officials responsible for education policies should adopt a distinct look at pupils living in areas of higher social vulnerability. Read More →

Development of a new alternative to aggressive spinal surgery for the treatment of severe deformities

Modern spine surgery was born in 1983 with Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation, making it possible to perform complex spinal surgery. The Dubousset team recently developed the “Bipolar Concept”, a simpler, less aggressive, and effective method for the treatment of severe spinal deformities, which can be used even in less equipped places.Modern spine surgery was born in 1983 with Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation, making it possible to perform complex spinal surgery. The Dubousset team recently developed the “Bipolar Concept”, a simpler, less aggressive, and effective method for the treatment of severe spinal deformities, which can be used even in less equipped places. Read More →

Researchers validate a questionnaire in Portuguese to detect a common sleep disorder

Patients with Parkinson’s disease commonly present with a sleep disorder characterized by moving arms and legs violently while dreaming. The diagnosis is only made by an expensive exam called Polysomnography. Researchers validated the Brazilian Portuguese version of a screening questionnaire to help detect this disorder. Read More →

The inclusion of BRAFV600E mutational status has a limited impact on risk stratification in papillary thyroid carcinoma

Although the prognostic role of BRAFV600E mutation in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is controversial, the American Thyroid Association (ATA) includes the mutational status in their risk stratification system. The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of the BRAFV600E mutation status on risk stratification as well as on disease outcomes in patients with PTC. Read More →

LinkedIn as a data source to measure the capacity of universities to train professionals

Study uses the information appeared on the social media LinkedIn to measure the hiring of IBEX35 companies by graduates of Spanish universities. Despite the limitations of the use of this tool, the high potential of free-access data for the study of institutions is presented. Read More →

Can employees be a driver for a clean future? A case from petroleum industry

Reflecting the call being made by the United Nation to solve our current climate challenges and reduce our carbon emissions, there is a strong need for large established companies to reshape their agendas and develop clean alternative source of energy. This study discusses the clean shift that is happening in a European oil and gas company and aims to understand the drivers for introducing new clean energy activities outside the company’s boundaries. Read More →