Factors associated with congenital malformations in live births

The aim of the article was to estimate the prevalence of congenital malformations and identify the associated factors in live births. Cross-sectional study with data from the Live Births Information System. Bivariate and multivariate statistical analysis (multiple logistic regression) were performed. There were 346,874 live births, of which 3,473 had some type of malformation. In the multiple analysis, the factors positively associated with prevalence were duration of pregnancy ≤37 weeks, maternal age 20-29 years, single pregnancy, type of delivery and antenatal consultations <6. Read More →

Inclusion and diversity in Administration: manifest for the future-present

The manifest-article discusses the role of academic journals in Administration for inclusion and diversity. Starting from theoretical references of social movements (intersectionality, transversality, and decoloniality), we present a proposal for a transformation agenda for practices on diversity in the area, which allow changes at a more structural level. Read More →

Academic journals in the scientific area of Administration: stars or accessory?

How do academic journals monitor and reflect the dynamics of Administration in Brazil? How do these actors position themselves in this space? These questions guide the research, which analyzes the dynamics of the area and reinforces strategies for the scientific contribution of journals. Read More →

Study shows clinical value of TGFB1 and its receptors (TGFBR1 and TGFBR2) in thyroid nodules

This trial showed that SNPs rs1800472 and rs1800469 were associated with characteristics of PTC aggressiveness. TGFB1 mRNA expression was upregulated in PTC and downregulated in benign samples. TGFBR1 mRNA expression was upregulated in goiter and PTC, but downregulated in FA. On the other hand, TGFBR2 was downregulated in all histological types analyzed. Read More →

Research analyzes honey production by stingless bees in the peruvian amazonia

Meliponiculture is the rational breeding of stingless bees. Being a common practice in Latin America, the research sought to analyze the production and collect data on the physical-chemical and microbiological characteristics of the honey produced by these techniques, generating greater knowledge about the honey produced. Read More →

Profile of Bolsonaro voters reveals Brazilian variant of far-right populism disease

In contrast to a worldwide trend, in 2018 Brazilian elections the largest share of voters for the far right was registered among better-off citizens, not those left behind by economic modernization. This study also shows that, at odds with the conventional perspective expectations, the better educate did not reject authoritarian values or championed for diversity at the ballot boxes. Read More →

Research Evaluates Color Stability in Tilapia Filets

Occupying a prominent place in world aquaculture, Nile tilapia has genetic characteristics, which facilitate breeding, and high acceptance in the market. In addition, color is the main sensory parameter evaluated by consumers when purchasing meat products. From this, researchers evaluated the color and oxidative stability of light and dark tilapia muscles. Read More →

Serum calcitonin levels shows more sensitivity than cytopathology for the medullary thyroid cancer diagnosis

In the present study, serum calcitonin levels were more sensitive than cytopathology for diagnosis of medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) and were able to identify all patients who could not be diagnosed by FNAB. Besides, Bethesda category III was more prevalent in the group of patients carrying this neoplasm. Read More →

The guide for writing qualitative research reports – COREQ is now available in Portuguese

Researchers who adopt qualitative methods using interviews and focus groups in their studies now have the Brazilian Portuguese validated translation of the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) available. Read More →

New issue of Manuscrito invites us to consider a genuinely dynamic ontology: Process Metaphysics

In order to develop an essentially dynamic ontology and set free from our “substance metaphysics” bias, relational structures must be brought to the forefront of contemporary metaphysical debates. Read More →