Dissolution of agrominerals by bioweathering provides nutrients for corn growth

Four microscopic images of biotite, a mineral. In all four images, something that looks like a plate of broken glass at different angles.

Pure and ground samples of biotite schist and biotite syenite proved to be sources of macro- and micronutrients for corn plants. The discovery is relevant for the future guidance of fertilization protocols, correction and soil balance to maximize production through the use of silicate agrominerals as soil remineralizers. Read More →

Optical instrument helps monitor survival rate of patients undergoing liver transplant

Close-up photo of a surgery. One hand holds a cylindrical instrument similar to a thick needle, it has a thread at the top end. Another hand holds a pair of scissors. Both instruments are aimed at an opening in a person's body.

Fluorescence spectroscopy under violet light is a minimally invasive optical technique in liver transplant procedures. It demonstrated effectiveness as a complementary tool for monitoring liver grafts in cold perfusion, providing objective information to support the surgeons’ final decision regarding the use of organs for transplantation. Read More →

Exploring the relationship between education and union type for women in Brazil

Vectorized illustration in pastel purple and orange. Left side: man sitting at a table, tinkering with a laptop. Right side: woman with laptop on legs; she is sitting on top of two giant books. Background: giant lamp with graduation hat. Behind the lamp, gray background with two gears.

Although informal conjugal unions have become more common in Brazil, university educated women still seem to prefer formal marriages. More surprisingly, the gap between lower and higher educated women has increased, as the chances of lower educated women being in informal unions has grown faster than for higher educated. Read More →

Results from a fuzzy model show that intervention measures impede the spread of COVID-19 even with the vaccine

The fuzzy approach shows that intervention measures impede the spread of COVID-19. Even with the vaccine, the infection rate could be worse if safety measures are weakened. Results assist government decision making to minimize the spread of the pandemic by combining physical distancing measures with vaccines to contain the resurgences of the disease. Read More →

Body in contemporary discourse

Twitter Print. Text says "is there anything better than a chubby man???" and three emojis with heart eyes. Body photo of a white man with no shirt. In the background people talking.

The recent context we have been living in, in which social, political, and religious polarization stands out, allows and updates various and conflicting discourses about the body. Two important articles propose an in-depth reflection and debate on this broad topic. Read More →

Trabecular bone score and its evolving role in the assessment and management of clinical conditions

Photo: illustration of a spine in gray tones on a cardboard paper. Below a wooden board. In the background, illustrations on butcher paper in different sheets spread over a surface (hand bones, skull, foot bones).

Trabecular bone score (TBS) is a noninvasive measure of bone quality. A low TBS indicates degraded bone microarchitecture, predicts osteoporotic fracture, and is partially independent of clinical risk factors and bone mineral density. Today TBS has an evolving role in the assessment and management of several clinical conditions. Read More →

The unsaid about “eadization” in Higher Education

Square Photo. Painting of a person looking straight ahead with index and middle fingers together over closed lips. The person has been painted in a light brown tone, with strong shadows and lighting. The eyes are almost closed. There is not much detail. Only the face and the hand appear. Around it, a very light brown almost yellow circle. The rest of the image is a very light green textured background. The image appears to be old.

It is understood that the Brazilian Higher Education concept of “eadization” is recent and must be monitored so that its identity and function are not lost. It is possible to observe that the flexibility given by the insertion of a percentage (up to 40%) in the workload of face-to-face higher education courses dedicated to Distance Education supports a process of reconfiguration from the symbiosis. Read More →

Hybridization with transcription factor AREB increases drought resistance in elite soybean cultivars

Rectangular horizontal photo. Plantation a bit blurred. Thin, tall branches, leaves that look like pods hanging from the branches. The plants look dry, but this may be due to lighting. In the background, strong and diffuse sun. The whole image is very yellowish and with strong shadows.

Soybean cultivation requires attention due to its susceptibility to drought. The introgression of the AtAREB1 transgene into the LS93-0375 and BMX Desafio RR elite cultivars conferred a better physiological performance to the genotypes, proving to be an effective mechanism of genetic engineering for the reduction of the effects of water deficit. Read More →

Cameras and monitors improves experimental surgeries for correcting incisional hernia in rats

Horizontal rectangular photo. An oval cut in the skin of a mouse. It is possible to see inside the opening a mesh reminiscent of metal, the skin cut around the cut is red and almost translucent, the pinkish skin of the mouse with small spots and some white hairs around the part shaved for the cut. Surrounding the image is an opaque blue background.

The use of cameras and screens in surgical procedures with Wistar rats has demonstrated efficacy and high performance. The 50x magnified visualization with a low-cost system circumvents one of the main difficulties of experimental studies, enabling further research with biocompatible models that generate more accurate results. Read More →

“NÓIS É*”: childhoods and feminisms in social practices of peripheral collectives on the pandemic

Horizontal rectangular photo. Drawing of a child. On top light blue strokes indicating the sky, two squares with dark blue diagonal lines and a girl in the middle, buildings, a bridge, a sign, a street with lines in the middle in pink.

Due to the covid-19 pandemic, collectives contributed to maintaining the life of the peripheric population. The performance of women and their relationship with children allowed us to think about the possible construction of a collective pedagogy that approaches the Common, a principle based on collaboration and self-management, opposing hierarchies and patriarchy. Read More →