New standard operating procedure for apitoxin collection aiming at research and production of the apilic antivenom

A new apilic antivenom was developed to reduce the mortality of patients envenomed by Africanized honeybees. This species has an intensely defensive behavior and promotes several fatal accidents. In the process of collecting apitoxin it is essential to guarantee the safety of the handler, the welfare of bee colonies and the quality of biomolecules. Read More →

Laser therapy together with a fibrin biopolymer improves nerve and bone tissue regeneration

The heterologous fibrin sealant produced by CEVAP has been employed as “nerve glue” and wound healing substance for venous ulcers. Currently it is called fibrin biopolymer due to its multiple uses. In association with adjuvant scaffolds, it constitutes active biocomplexes that contribute to the morphophysiological and functional recovery of bone defects. Read More →

Building an electronic scientific journal: evolution and challenges

Twenty-eight years ago, the Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases was launched with ambitious goals: to be an e-journal even before internet was accessible to the general public and to establish itself as an international publication born in Brazil. Since then, many obstacles and challenges have been and continue to be overcome. Read More →

Expanding the horizons of medical science in fighting portal hypertension with mini pigs

A brown pig lying on a table and a person beside it wearing gloves.

In search of new alternatives for the treatment of portal hypertension, a model validation in medium-sized animals was performed, allowing the improvement of techniques applied in cases of gastrointestinal hemorrhage and indicating the direction for advances in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that aim to cure diseases and save lives. Read More →

Brazilian Medical Societies propose a new obesity classification based on weight history

A yellow tape measure spirals over a wooden floor. Behind it the feet of a white-skinned person on top of a bathroom scale.

In the new obesity classification, individuals losing a specific proportion of weight are classified as having “reduced” or “controlled” obesity. This classification could help disseminate the concept of clinical benefits derived from modest weight loss, allowing subjects with obesity and their health care professionals to focus on strategies for weight maintenance instead of further weight reduction. Read More →

Latitude and seasons influence the tick count in cattle

Black ox on a white background. Ticks on one leg, a circle zooms in on the ticks.

Being one of the main parasites of cattle, ticks cause losses to livestock farmers. It has been shown that latitude and season interfere with tick counts: higher latitudes tend to have less tick infestation, as well as in winter, while in spring there is a higher infestation. Read More →

The lack of solidarity and human helplessness in the perverse neoliberal logic

Moses by Michelangelo. Marble statue of a seated man with long beard and serious look, a tablet in one arm. Behind a wall with many details in high relief.

It is supported by the philosophy of education and psychoanalysis the hypothesis that neoliberal rationality needs somebody’s deletion to carry out its perverse project and install a system of relationships based on indifference. As a counterpoint, Freud’s ethics is demanded, and supported by the other’s inclusion, a central experience in human development. Read More →

Exploring the synergy and integration among Geodesy, Space Weather and Navigation

Illustration of a field, a runway, sky with clouds and satellites, stations, and a transmission tower.

Air, land, and sea navigation are affected by phenomena that occur in the ionosphere, especially the plasma bubbles, resulting in the occurrence of ionospheric scintillation. This phenomenon deteriorates the quality of the Global Navigation Satellite System, requiring an integration between Geodesy and Space Weather. Read More →

Canagliflozin seems to be more potent in reducing glycated hemoglobinand and body weight in patients with type 2 diabetes


Among the different doses of gliflozins commercially available in Brazil, Canagliflozin 300 mg had the greatest benefit in terms of body weight reduction, however, results were not different from empagliflozin 25 mg and dapagliflozin 10 mg. It’s not worthwhile to increase gliflozins doses with the intent to further decrease glycated hemoglobin or body weight. Read More →

Educational booklet for the prevention of falls in hospitalized patients

A printed educational booklet is effective in improving the knowledge of hospitalized patients about the prevention of falls. This is a low-cost technology that can be applied by nursing professionals to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge by patients during health education. Read More →