Construction and validation of a board game for children with cancer

A board game for children with cancer was developed with their participation in the process of creation and validation, having their needs and perceptions incorporated. The game was validated by experts and the target audience, and enabled mediation between playfulness and reality and the sharing of information in an appropriate language. Read More →

Why do we still talk about maternal death nowadays?

Maternal death is defined as the death of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth or 42 days after childbirth. The management of all levels of complexity and hierarchy, highlighting the need for immediate intervention in a population where maternal death is mostly preventable, ensures women’s right to life after childbirth. Read More →

Online psychodrama: a new stage for post-pandemic challenges

How the multidimensionality provided by the virtual environment expands the horizons of psychodrama by overcoming the physical barriers of the “here and now”, allowing the reality of each individual acting on the digital stage to interfere in the protagonist’s work in a beneficial way, opening space to deepen the therapeutic experience. Read More →

Nursing diagnoses in Covid-19 adult patients hospitalized in Intensive Care Units

Adult patients admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICUs) can present different manifestations of Covid-19. These serve as diagnostic clues for the selection of 26 NANDA-I® nursing diagnoses that should be prioritized during nursing care for this population. Read More →

Electrical stunning in Jundiá fish keeps meat quality and allows humane slaughter

The parameters for electrical stunning in Jundiá fish and its effects on muscle pH and rigor mortis indicates no significant differences in the parameters of meat quality – it allows for discussion and refinement of current practices in the slaughter of fish, also considering their well-being. Read More →

LATCH tool in care planning for breastfeeding women

The LATCH assessment tool helps the health team to measure the difficulties with the breastfeeding technique during hospitalization. While following 162 mother-child on exclusive breastfeeding, we sought to analyze women’s difficulties related to the breastfeeding technique by using the LATCH charting system during maternity stay. Read More →

Where there is urban violence, is there also school violence?

Different social classes don’t experience violence in urban spaces the same way – the wealthier tend to feel fewer effects of it. Discussions about school violence in teacher-education courses can contribute to improving conditions of socially vulnerable students. Read More →

Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy surgeries: safety measures for professionals

Heated chemotherapy administered to the abdomen is beneficial to patients, but may pose a risk to professionals in the operating room given the exposure to heated drugs. Among occupational safety measures recommended to professionals involved in the procedure are the education and training of the team, use of personal and collective protective equipment, provision of necessary infrastructure and general guidelines. Read More →

Open Science: Sharing and transparency in research popularization

Although the concept of “open science” has been circulating a lot in the academic area, it has not always been well understood or accepted. Would it be open access to scientific articles? A democratic science, for all? On adhering to the procedures of open science, Bakhtiniana opens up new dialog possibilities between science and society. Read More →

COVID-19 Affects Perioperative Morbidity and Mortality in Patients Requiring Cardiovascular Surgery

Infographic. Title: COVID-19 Affects Perioperative Morbidity and Mortality in Patients Requiring Cardiovascular Surgery

A retrospective Brazilian multicenter cohort study with 104 patients investigated how COVID-19 affects the perioperative period of cardiovascular surgery. Patients with a positive RT-PCR test within ten days before or after surgery and those presenting with positive RT-PCR test > 10 days after surgery showed significantly higher postoperative complications and death. Read More →