What history tells us about epidemics and the protection of schoolchildren

Studies address the affirmation of nature as a central point in the education, prevention of diseases and leisure of urban populations in the first decades of the twentieth century. The discussions allow us to reflect on the contradictions of outdoor life often being raised as a solution to the evils of urban-industrial society. Read More →

Expanding boundaries of the education privatization

Through the analysis of extensive physical digitalized documents, researchers identified new dynamics of privatization of education in the largest public-school system in Brazil, showing that, between the years of 2015 and 2018, the governance of education in the State of São Paulo incorporated new actors and the boundaries between public and private sectors were blurred. Read More →

Manuscrito explores the connection between language and reality

We use language to talk about all sorts of things. Species, particles, people, numbers, and so on. How do we do that? How exactly do linguistic expressions hook up with the world? These and other questions about the nature of reference in language are much discussed in the philosophical literature. Read More →

Relationship of trust is determinant in the purchase and sale of cattle

In transactions between cattle ranchers and beef slaughterhouses, the relationship of trust is crucial. Influencing the selection of contractual arrangements among cattle breeders, the trust factor was analyzed by researchers, who concluded that it has an impact on the quality of Brazilian meat. Read More →

The man and the physician who greatly contributed to the Pathology teaching in Brazil

The first Brazilian Medical School dates from the beginning of the 19th century influenced by the explosion of the arts and science knowledge of the 19th century. Following this brilliant era, the Brazilian journey of Dr. Luigi Bogliolo ensues, the man and Doctor who struggled for improving the medical teaching, prioritizing the clinical and pathological correlation. Read More →

The venoms of sibling snakes may not be so similar

The study revealed that snake venom activities and composition vary individually even among siblings. Moreover, sex-related variation was observed among offspring. Despite not composing the venom mixture for serum production, the antivenom recognized most of the proteins present in all the venoms analyzed. Read More →

Use of tanine in sheep feeding has positive results

Easily accessible, the tannin extract of Acacia Negra proved to be a potential aid in the digestion of sheep. The research, which evaluated the effect of food inclusion of this substance on consumption, digestion and nitrogen retention in sheep, pointed out that its inclusion in animal feed is positive, reducing the degradation of carbohydrates and proteins in ruminants. Read More →

Whats are the main nutritional challenges in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Do you know what are the nutritional challenges that elderly people are facing in the COVID-19 pandemic times? In addition to being a risk group for COVID-19 mortality, social isolation can expose the elderly to increased nutritional risk. We need to discuss measures to reduce this risk. Read More →

The effects of the presence or absence of crotamine in rattlesnake venom

This study revealed that there is a pattern in the distribution of a small protein, named crotamine, in rattlesnake venoms. Moreover, the presence or absence of this protein can alter the venom composition and, consequently, the envenoming effects, which could affect the antivenom efficacy Read More →

Acupuncture may reduce anxiety in pregnant women

The objective of this study was to identify effects of auriculotherapy to reduce the anxiety of pregnant women during the low-risk prenatal. Findings showed significant reduction of anxiety status in the experimental group suggesting that this practice is a potential therapy belonging to the integrative and complementary practice – ICP, and this is should be incorporated to the activities of health practice to women during the pregnancy. Read More →